Tanks are totally out of control right now. For some reason they all feel they have an obligation to run the dungeon as fast as they possibly can. WHY? IT IS THE FIRST WEEK OF A NEW EXPANSION. Slow down. Enjoy the new content. Perhaps when we are six months in you can worry about doing speed runs, but NOT now. I promise tanks, you do NOT have to run through the dungeon like your britches are on fire. SLOW DOWN.
I hate it. I spend the entire dungeon just trying to keep up. I would rather play it the way it was meant to be played. This was not it.
You’re obviously going to find a lot of bad "insert class/role here"s in LFG content. But in the defense of tanks, if the healer and dps are not near tank and pulling aggro, that’s totally on them. We often try to LOS groups just to get everything rounded up, especially those pesky casters. If in the middle of rounding up a group, a dps goes ham, pops every cd and pulls aggro, then also incredulously runs AWAY from the tank…well, that’s between them and the RNG gods imo. That goes for healers too btw. Just chill and follow for a sec instead of assuming you need to start pre-pumping heals on everyone. There was an old video “Run to the Tank”…might want to revisit that. Healer and dps should always stand/stack within range of the tank unless there’s a mechanic that prevents it. If you’re further than a short pally horse and bubble taunt…well…hope you know where your defensive buttons are.
Yeah, well, my last tank was a cat druid. And he couldn’t hold aggro.
I was tanking and fade has a CD.
A million times this. Even when I try to slow down the group a bit because I can clearly see what the dps and healer are doing – normally the lowest dps starts adding to the pull.
These are normal dungeons, they are easy, the OP and people like him are not going to be good at the game or are just stirring the pot on the forums for no reason at all.
I don’t mind it. I was actually hoping heroics would be tuned harder so this wouldn’t happen - but I don’t mind tanks pulling big right now.
If the tank pulls one pack at a time I am falling asleep spamming my aoe dmg ability because there just isn’t really any damage going out that needs to be healed. Bigger pulls actually give me stuff to heal so I can properly test talents.
This will stop in mythic0 and up most likely so it’s whatever in the end.
The other day during Early access, we were up to the boss where you have to kill the lieutenants to weaken the boss and the tank kept running in and starting the fight with out killing any of them. He’d die in less then two seconds and even after we told him to kill the lieutenants he said ‘we shouldn’t have to do that and that you (Me the healer) should be able to keep him alive.’ How is it my fault that he dies faster than I can get a single cast off because he refuses to follow the dungeons mechanics?
Over the weekend had a mage run away, and I mean far far away from the group in the other direction … on a pack he pulled. I have not seen that in many moons … like you said, LFG content can be something else at times
Tanks are bad because new content is too easy. wow is about to rush to cap lvl so you can start the “end game” which is get gear to raise ilvl for heroics, mythics and raids. rinse and repeat, or PvP. with follower dungeons you can do half by yourself lol
Old WoW player here. Retail, pservers and Classic. Played it all. Seen it all. Done it all.
As a healer main for past 9 years, we both know that we are just superior beings to the rest. Yes, I said it. And kudos to you for playing the least appreciated role!
We see everything. We feel everything. We hear everything. (I also play tanks for keys and I don’t really play DPS at all)
Unfortunately, not everything is black’n’white.
- When tank groups mobs, DPS are braindead sheep that just can’t wait for 2 seconds.
- Often times, healer needs to wait a second before casting anything.
- Other other times, tanks are bad indeed. They are just bad players.
At the end of Shadowlands, I went to Classic TBC/Wrath (now Cata) full time. Skipped DF. Wasn’t my vibe. Why suffer, right?
an average retail player is far better than an average classic player. Stuff I’ve seen happen in Classi can be really mind blowing at times. The stupidity and dullness of some players. I’m by no means top player or top guild eligible, but I’m good. In SL S2-3, I was in top 3% of M+ by score world wide. Gotta count for something, right?
Anyway, RNG Be RNG. I’m playing a BrM right now for keys. Levleing still. In 1 dungeon run I was the lowest on damage, the very next run I was #2… soooooo
Good luck!
Maybe you’re just a bad healer because the common denominator in your groups is you. Keep up with the tank, heroics don’t need careful pulling, you are taking like 1/10th the damage of M+.
I’ve been pulling threat on big aoe pulls every pug I join. I’m using frost nova, mirror images, invisibility, and icy cold, basically on cooldown.
Some healers manager better than others, but I do agree with OP that tanks are pulling a lot and dont have the threat generation to handle it.
They were always bad.
As a healer going back to classic, tanks have always been horrible
It’s the role you can’t really get away with “kinda”. If you don’t keep aggro, the healer gets it and the group wipes. If you don’t have enough GS/HP/Tree things, you die to spike damage and the group wipes. If you’re not paying attention or don’t really get the flow/power of dungeon mobs, the group wipes.
I think it’s challenging because a good/experienced tank will just roll through content like it’s nothing, and then other players see that and think that’s how you do it. But pull size is heavily dependent on some intersection of the current game balance, your gear, your class’s power, and your experience.
I think over the course of releases the cruddy tanks tend to dip out and the general vibe cleans up a bit. Also everyone gets more gear. But this is just estimation.
Right now we’re still in that “everyone getting a gym membership in January” phase, so you have a lot of returning players.
Healers are a different breed. Healers are meant to get sh*t on and pick up the slack lol
I feel you, had much the same experience while leveling my three 80s.
My problem is: once the tank fails, he then does -the same thing- knowing the group cannot be successful. And then starts some boss fights with 2 people locked out of the room. Sigh. Quit instance and wait out the timer time.
Healers have always been expected to carry random groups. If you don’t want the aggravation you’re better off finding some friends and/or consistent players.
I mean I’d love for it to change but that’d require fundamental changes. For now, healers are emergency mitigation champions. The only downside is emergencies happen way too often and somehow incur blame. That’s no bueno.
It does get pretty hectic trying to heal sometimes in these runs, but I try to look at it like a fun challenge. The dungeons are easy but I just wish if tanks are going to chain pull like crazy they can at least make sure they’re keeping aggro on stuff, because with mobs running everywhere and dps lagging behind the rest of the group and taking damage, that’s when it can get a bit annoying.
Tanks are definitely overpulling in heroics. That said, it’s just that, a heroic. There’s no timer. There’s no real penalty for wiping. I don’t think many of them realize they aren’t quite tanky enough for their pulls either lol. Personally, I don’t mind the challenge as a healer. It’s kinda fun actually needing my CDs in heroics. Curious to see how people play out m0’s.
Probably because most pug dps are idiots.
I just started playing again, quit at the end of BfA.
If it hadn’t had been for the 5 mask Horrific Vision achievement at end of BfA I would have quit because most pug groups were so toxic.
I would get yelled at for not getting ++ on a 10-15 key, almost every damn time I tried to tank for a group. Merely finishing a key on time wasn’t good enough, so I just stopped. The pressure to go faster is a huge turn off for some people, at least for old people like me who would rather do it right than wipe repeatedly because a dps in the group thinks I’m too slow.