As a ganking rouge, what classes should I avoid?

With prep two of all cds. Unless you get lucky and nova or arcane blast me out of stealth, the best you are going to do is get me to a stalemate as a mage. At that point i will just wait out cds and come back and do it again.

After my opener The only way you escape a blind is if you nova blink at that point i vanish and have used one cd for your two. You block i restealth and stun out of it or worse for you ambush. You blink the stun I either range you or vanish and you have no more blinks, one block and one nova left. I still have a blind grenade. That means I have two openers plus a bandage and a sap>eat.

Considering i will get at least one ambush if you are me lvl that gets half of your life, in a scripted 1V1 pvp setting there is no way i should lose.

You can drop serpent stings with jungle remedy. Kind of a pain to carry but you can be sure to get at least one vanish off.

On another note if you dont have the luffa for rends/bleeds you are gimping yourself. 3 min cd and the best defensive trinket for a rogue. Whats better a restealth after getting ruptured or rended or a few extra auto attacks from HoJ?

i can also jungle remedy your poisons which kinda puts you a further disadvantage. You could even full consume against a hunter and the hunter will probably still win and you probably still wouldnt get away.

No not hardly, the worst thing you have to watch for is feign death trap. When you see them feign death. You just have to watch for it and try to avoid the trap if you arenā€™t scattered/ concussion shot.

Thats the ONE thing about a hunter. Other than that especially in a bg setting the worst thing they can do is trap a choke and turtle. So basically creating a way for you to never get an opener.

I guess the other thing that has changed is flare far exceeds the animation. In vanilla you used to always be able to disarm a trap outside the range of a flare in the middle. Now for some reason the edge of the animation isnt a good judge of the area of effect so its really hit and miss. With that said, flare is a ground effect like consecrate so you can sprint and jump to them and get an opener.

What kind of weird makeup do you wear?


yeah screw locksā€¦even if I manage to kill them I die anyway.

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a therapist

ā€œganking rougeā€ LOL!


Leeway makes it hard to bleed kite so it ends up being hit and miss. It doesnā€™t work the same way as vanilla. Its not something you can practice and get consistent with.

On the bright side spell batching has made vanish immuning incredibly easy. I have already vanished more stuff than I did through vanilla and bc combined.

Iā€™m pretty sure your ability to vanish for example a hammer of justice isnā€™t blizzlike lol

I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it worked

Itā€™s leeway, people. Wtf is waylay lmao.


Alliance donā€™t have pvp racials. Thatā€™s what you all say anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

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Im not sure about relative skill gaps, but I basically never lose to hunters on my rogue. I actually canā€™t think of a 1v1 that I have.

In fact I 2v1ā€™ed a 60 and 59 hunter yesterday while farming fire elementals.

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Same, hunters are the easiest kills in the game.

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They are what I categorize as ā€œhonor nodes.ā€

Thereā€™s basically the FD+trap into Aimed Shot, but I just step away when they FD and kill them while dancing around the trap. Itā€™s kinda comical actually tbh

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well i can promise that they hate you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hope so.

One of my prouder moments was killing two mages at the same time in WSG.

You all realise that a good hunter just you know Scatter+traps you and you cant actually get out of it right?

Your probably versing those people who chose hunter to level easy and not to play an extremely overpowered class.

Priests are my favorite match up and paladins the worst.

I would avoid rogues as a rouge. :face_with_head_bandage: