As a ganking rouge, what classes should I avoid?

Is NO ONE going to point out the the title says ‘ROUGE’ and not ‘ROGUE’?
Fine, I’ll do it.



I didn’t know makeup could gank…


Hunters and mages can be a problem for sure. It’s kind of weird because there’s a lot of classes that stand a good chance vs a rogue in a dueling scenario where they’re 100% ready. In the open world though, you can ofc pick your fights and with the right cooldown usage you can beat MOST ppl.

Hunters? no that you rogues give us hard time

you have to be literally worthless as a hunter to lose vs a rogue unless it’s an incredibly close fight

Mages blink out of stuns for sure but you have to make sure you have all your cds when you attack a mage … Cheap shot >>> mage blinks out >>> vanish >>> start over … far as hunters go they are the easiest to me, they can’t move very fast, pets are weak in comparison to retail as if they aren’t even there. Traps can get you and scatter shot can be a issue if you don’t counter but for most part its WARRIORS …. warrior being plate and having bleeds give me the biggest amount of trouble, you try to use evasion or defensives they will now get over power proc … and good night…shadow priests are powerful because of absorb shield, if they can deter your opener, dot you up, cant vanish or restealth like bleeds warriors give you can be in a for a quick death… and of course gear goes a long ways … warriors with top end gear are brutal .

cheap shot

or just fap ambush backstab backstab if you have like any reasonable gear for the current point of the game we’re at.

you know you can put 2 bleeds on them and walk away so they can’t hit you, right?

That’s how it’s spelt.

lol right up until they piercing howl and kite you instead. Charge - Auto - Intercept - Auto - MS - ded.

sure in some situations ,there is a lot of options, battles can go numerous ways… but considering most good warriors fear you or put a slow on you themselves with hamstring // its hard to kite or walk away

Leeway makes bleed kiting extremely inconsistent. Also poison procs can be unlucky as well. Most of the time though it comes down to racials how the 1v1 plays out. Even in full t1 if a decently geared warrior manages to get an intercept on me into a mace stun I’m basically dead.

He’s Horde, so it would be very impressive indeed for an Undead Rogue to kill him. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s incredibly stupid. You don’t vanish a blink, the Mage will still be close enough to AE your butt out, and worse, if they have Ice block and Cold Snap (If they don’t why do you even need advise) you’re now behind on the cooldown war. They have 2 iceblocks and you have AT MOST 1 more Vanish, you already lost. You GOUGE a blink, taking advantage of the stupid waylay system Blizzard put in the game. It SHOULDN’T be possible, but it is.

yah you can do that too … if you want to blow your immunity sprint to catch him … when a mage blinks you have to go get him …id rather be bk in stealth to have the advantage again of him not knowing where im at … everyone plays different … never claimed to be top tier pvp player … gouge is Good IF YOUR CLOSE >… but I don’t like to blow my immunity sprint (save my life spell) to go run down the mage to gouge … that’s just me… Not to mention majority of mages are frost so once u hit him u are slowed >> but you think I can take a guess and can gouge a blinking mage ?? makes zero sense too much risk, also vanish takes slow away … so yah ill stick with the way I do it…
works well

Gouging blinks can be inconsistent. What if they don’t immediately blink? What if they do and you can’t get around to their front in time? What if frostbite procs on your cheapshot? Lots of variables that are left to chance.

That would be why it shouldn’t work. You can gouge AFTER they blink and still get it off. Waylay broke some pvp mechanics. In real vanilla, if a mage had all his cooldowns up, “and all else was equal.” A rogue simply could not beat him, they lost the cooldown war.

This is incorrect. Since the game has batching, actions are delayed, So on the rogues screen the mage hadn’t blinked yet or blinked at the same time he used his gouge.

you used a fap

Just avoid blush and bronzer.

Worthless? so someone comes out of shadow stuns you then applies poison and deals 50% of your hp damage and hits kidney shot and you expect me to comeback from 5% health and fight off?

Theres no way you can beat a hunter unless you kill them in the cheap + kidney, if they have trinket up you will lose. Has flare and serpent sting for vanish, bird dive if your running away, hes concussive shot for your sprint and has scatter trap if you ever do get close.

Dwarves hunters are also immune to blind.