As a ganking rouge, what classes should I avoid?

In this weird version that doesn’t actually match how it was for all classes hunters are free HKS

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found the angry hunter guys

And from there it would generally be followed by aim shot > concussive shot > serpent sting by many hunters.

I imp sprint or fap to abolish the slow and close range, blind into stun lock.

Crip poison on both weapons to reapply any removals. Jungle remedies have a 2 min CD, so there’s only time for one and with dual crip it’s getting applied constantly.

If they somehow get out of melee range again, which I haven’t found happens really, nades for days. I think the main time a hunter has been able to re-disengage is via imp wing clip, but I usually have a full lock/crip/nade if they get out of melee going.

Not saying if skilled enough a hunter cant win, just that I haven’t had trouble with any yet and have gotten two 2v1’s with a 60/59 and 60/53.

Lol I seen but meh

Depends on talent build same with any class.

Most mages go for arcane which gimps then to rogues.

Prot/ret are bad for any melee class. Alliance rogues don’t know lol.

You might want to stick by shaman or priest for easier kills. I should not tell something you already know. If u don’t well f me.

You’re talking about rogue a rogue. Hunters are very strong played right.

I played a from vanilla to cata only time rogue was amazing was TBC in classic it’s good for duels or PVE but in real matches it’s like a supporter killing mech. Ppl think think they are op is wrong only when they have cd all up even then can die and that’s with a very skilled one.

Best bet for rogue is against noobs, half life players, sitting players, players that pulled something, combo with priest or shaman or 3 rogues.

Unless they have freedom pots handy or something to remove dots. Of course engineering. For cheaper kills as above.

And knowing what class you are playing, apparently. The title of your thread says you’re a ganking red make up.

Technically “gank” means gang kill. You can’t really gang kill someone by yourself.

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Warrior - stunlock and/or bleed kiting
Paladin - gouge, restealth, sap, bandage - reset till oom
Hunter - crippling poison works amazingly. Engineering helps - Like net trinket. Use CDs as needed. Evasion works well to keep wing clip off you. Not a big threat if you get the jump. Bad if they catch you in the open
Rogue - mirror… usually whoever gets the jump wins. Consumables can help
Priest - trinket/wotf fear, usually go down easily enough after that
Shaman - enh can be stunlocked. Ele/resto - bop their poison cleansing and earthbind totems. Not too challenging
Mage - easily defeated with sprint + free action potion. Save CDs for after they double ice block (if they have it) Don’t let them poly, trinket if they do. Engi helps with reflectors and grenades
Druid - one of the harder matchups. If they catch you first its an uphill battle and might as well back off and come back later. If you catch them then save evasion for when bear is low to dodge their bash. Use blind early when they shift out to clear poisons or it will get auto removed
Warlock - another difficult matchup if soul link. Not too bad if they aren’t. Restorative Potion is very effective. Being engi helps to reflect their deathcoil with shadow reflector

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Pop a free action pot and sprint and no mage should give you trouble

Interesting. Only locks with void walkers who they sacrifice, instantly resummon and sacrifice again, give me trouble (provided I can open up on the lock)

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Avoid shadow priests, mages with ice block, warriors in actual plate and a good weapon, geared hunters, SL warlocks, shamans with a shield, feral druids.

Don’t see why an undead rogue should be particularly afraid of an spriest. And maybe I just have yet to encounter a good hunter but they just flail and fall over without ever escaping melee range.

Same reason anyone should be. Their damage is high and their durability and utility are too. If you don’t play it almost perfect, you get melted. WotF or not.

Druid. Will never be able to catch us :wink:

if you have even a second out of stun without dying they haven’t used all their cooldowns or didn’t have them all up and you had an entire second to completely reset the fight in your favor.

These are the only ones I have an uphill battle with as well