As a ganking rouge, what classes should I avoid?

From experience hunters and mages seem to be causing me problems.

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As a rogue one simply does not gank.

Since those classes are giving you a hard time. Just wait and be a 10% rogue. Ambush when they are near death.


Improved sprint and preperation are your best bets for mages and hunters… geared warriors can be a problem… same with warlocks.

Can only speak from my point of view, but only time a rogue can kill me is if one of the following situations are true:

  1. No pet out and both death coil and fel domination are on cooldown
  2. If for some odd reason I have imp out, or just got done fighting a caster with my felhunter and death coil is on cooldown
  3. I’m almost dead or low enough health for ambush to one shot me
  4. I’m afk
    Otherwise I just can’t see a situation where I would lose to a rogue 1v1 lol

Be anything other than SL spec. Even with deathcoil up, an undead rogue should be able to demolish any warlock that isn’t SL spec with ease - rare exception is if they get unlucky and warlock happens to have a voidwalker out. With SL spec, a warlock shouldn’t lose unless there’s a decent gap in skill or gear.


Avoid no class if they are your level especially You are at the top of the food chain. Play daggers. This is how you do it, this is how it works.


If they have their void out you blind their void and burn down the lock, ez pezee

Didn’t even know that, but you just made the lives of SO many sub-60 warlocks SO much worse just now :frowning:

An undead rogue is one of a warlocks worst matchups (IMO). If you’re soul link there are few bad matchups, but probably the hardest would have to be a well played hunter who was able to optimize range (in a world PvP setting).

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Hilariously, I’ve beaten a couple of undead rogues in duels. Both forgot that WOTF existed, apparently. :laughing:

Warriors can RNG you.

As a mage, i absolutely love it when a rogue tries to gank me.

Rogues at the top? I would highly disagree. I have zero issues with rogues even when they have the opener. However, if I am low on HP and they surprise me, then they will probably beat me. 1 on 1 with full HP / Mana, i dont lose to rogues.

Locks are the bane of my existence.


As a long time rogue, Hunters and Mages should not be giving you issues.

Warriors and thicc Druids typically are your bane.

He’s an Orc sweety.

Warlocks are to be avoided too

I avoid locks and spriests unless they are fighting something else. Other class are easy kill unless they are moderate better (skill/gear) than you.

avoid druids and hunters generally, a good hunter won’t lose, a good druid typically won’t lose.

everyone else is easy, some are slow and annoying like warriors and paladins

vs holy paladin you’re literally resetting til they’re oom
vs warrior you’re kiting them with bleeds outside of auto range but also outside of intercept/charge
vs cloth a double/triple crit ambush/bs/bs will kill anybody except a warlock with voidwalker
mages are braindead easy to beat for a 20 silver consumable even if you don’t crit them once.

I love mages.

Depends on spec of mage deep frost will, look at shield if they use arcane more or the frost shield.

Hunter is usually about 40 to 60 in favor of hunter.

Next prot Paladin need assistance with them reasons even if you keep stun lock they can redirect damage same as ret.
Easiest time to kill a Paladin is in wsg if they are carrying flag.

I can see a arms warrior if not stun locked. Can one shot you.

Odds are always stack against you if it’s a good player though. Rogues are more support but are strong against noobs that don’t buff themselves or with a shaman or priest reason is they can remove buffs. When they remove buffs from frost mage get them or any class.

Nah I kill rogues easy. Only really good ones with cd up it’s difficult. I have time my IB and cold snap with theirs. They touch they freeze.

Certain mage spec will be easier than others