As a female player....oof

I never thought of it this way. Thank you for sharing.


Reminds me a whole lot of the female blood elves’ jewelry options, and various tattoo customization options.
Many of them are designed with a more skin-showing outfit in mind, otherwise they are absolutely redundant.
Well, skin-showing outfit or ‘hide’ certain parts of the armor.

Poor lightforged draenei and zandalari trolls, a lot of their customization requires them to be naked to be seen.


You know why they’re doing it right? Cause Chinese investors are of this conservative backwards way of thinking that covering women up more will help the men control themselves more. Which ofcourse is basically just more polite victim blaming.


Virtue signalers would be clamoring over one another to accuse Blizz of fat shaming if they did that.


Actually makes sense considering recent events in China in regards to video games. I am surprised that I did not think of that.

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There are creative decisions by devs and risk analysis decisions by laywers. This is the latter. They don’t want one piece of content here to make it into the courtroom. Furthermore, these mutilations of the game demonstrate they’ve “reformed.”

Player experience takes a backseat to self-preservation. They would raze this game to the ground if it saved one white collar neck.


It’s kind of sad that it’s perfectly acceptable in this society for people who are respecting women, to at the same time disrespect women by treating them like kids by giving them rules and such instead of treating them like equals. And Blizzard isn’t doing anybody favors by doing this. :confused:

“You can’t wear this, You can’t do this. You are this, otherwise this will happen” etc etc…

If a woman wants to wear something she wants, then let her do that. I mean, what’s more empowering to a person, then get to make your own decisions? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


And a horrible leader, as well Malfurion. I think we as Night elves would be much better off with Yrel and Velen, then Tyrande and Malfurion at this point.

This is today’s evidence that a mass, 100%, no survivors, human extinction is the best thing that could ever happen on this planet.


Yikes. Taking things out of context much?.. I’m pretty sure she was being sarcastic and making the point that it goes both ways.


Sure. I agree, their should be an incubus pet. It’s long overdue honestly.

Where you keep getting this idea where if we sexualize something male related, there’s somehow going to be a huge backlash?.. What’s your evidence on that?

A kotaku article that complains how Nathan Drake is sexualized? :laughing:


They should remove succubus, not add another.

I think the real question is, will censoring pictures that are even remotely suggestive reduce the instances of sexism in this game and company towards women or not??

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No they shouldn’t. They should add incubus to make it equal here. Let’s not be petty here and remove things you dislike.


You’re so cringe, equality wasn’t the issue here.

It is if you’re being unequal.

But i guess being pro-equality is cringe now, according to you… /s

Also, nice job dodging this comment here. :point_down:

Claims asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


The answer is no. You can have a game be more cleaner and sterile then doctor equipment straight from a sanitation factory with military grade cleaning and still have those things happen.

Coarse, that’s my two cents.


Calling others cringe when they at best have 2 or 3 other people who put their stamp of approval on everything they say.

Go home, you’re drunk, and alone.



Good point…

I mean two years ago, some dude got arrested for being a sex pest on Star Stable.


Edited out because redundncy.

Really? I got to take a look at that. /googles.