As a female player....oof

If that’s the case, a world wide purge may be the only solution to human progression.

I feel that you should be able to transmog your characters in anyway within decent reason. Anyway, I agree with you and support you!


Nah they get it to adhere to strict beauty standards which are created from a female dominated fashion industry. Most people don’t know this but majority of casting directors/companies are ran by females.


This dude’s dropping truth bombs. Men don’t care about hairstyles, or fashion, or elaborately manicured nails, as long as it all looks decent. All the hoops women jump through to look their best are mostly to impress other women.


When are the Hijab transmogs coming out? “Women shouldn’t be seen nor heard” - Blizzard Entertainment



So they’re not deleting sexy mogs already in the game.


I work in the industry. Above the line mostly.

It’s not.

Neither is the fashion industry. They’re both heavily male dominated just like the gaming industry.

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we’ve come a long way already into various kinds of censorship. they started with npcs not associated with your char and creeping into your character’s physical space by censoring your lock succubus. i never use it, myself, because i am not on the market and try to avoid suggestions that i might be, but its the fact they are censoring female characteristics, things nature provided us with. its kinda scary


That’s just trash.

Y’all have really low rent ideas of what sexy is.

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I am sexy.

I’m sorry that you feel that way.

i dont think the censorship is targeting sexy, i think its targeting nature, things you were born with as a female homosapiens sapiens.


So, Blizzard thinks that girls must not show up?
Who are they? Muslims? :man_facepalming:

Yes, lets forbid females to show their bodies if their bodies are sexy. Lets show only ugly and fat! Lets make this world ugly! :metal:

You should be censored 2.

I’m a woman and I disagree.

The human form is art. I love most of the skimpy mogs. I also think there are many sexy mogs that are low on skin exposure.

There are also lots of mogs I find hideous. :laughing:

Objectifying men and women in a purely sexual way is bad. They’re upgraded blowup dolls/Black & Decker personal appliances. :wink: Things don’t have feelings that can be hurt. But humans aren’t objects and shouldn’t be treated as such.

Celebrating men and women for being whole independent, intelligent, sexual entities is good. Treating them as purely sexual objects is bad.

Jaina showing slightly less cleavage doesn’t make her any less sexy. It moves her away from the Object side and towards the Celebrating side of the spectrum.

That’s a good thing.

I’m old. I remember when it was considered sexy by men for adult women to dress up for Halloween as a Catholic schoolgirl. Thankfully most people today understand that’s creepy AF.

I’ve always found the Lock Sucubus’s whip-crack and moan to be creepy AF because there’s never been a male equivalent.



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i remember thinking as you do, since i had the dna for large bossoms (now mangled by masectomy) and people tended to talk to them instead of me and would project their lack of attention on my speech as evidence i was dumb. i thought it sucked. but people do that because bossoms are naturally designed to draw your attention, as thats where mother’s milk derives. its deeply embedded, a natural guarantor of the continuation of the species. its not something to be ashamed of


Blizzard should censor also this girl

since she wears only underwear, or if a girl is not sexy than it does not counts? :face_with_monocle:


Princess Theradras is the sexiest, what do you mean?

Really though, the whole talk of objectification is a little silly I feel. While I understand it is a thing, I would remind that liking to look at what you find attractive, is not the same as objectification. There may be a fine line, I do not know, I do not believe so, but it definitely is not the same thing.

We really need to teach young girls not to be so bossy in regards to what other girls wear though



That reminds me this:

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All new timewalking event: stone the harlot!