As a female player....oof

How does it feel to be this wrong?

In a world where everyone has their own truth, truth can no longer be defined by fact.

It is nieve to think that 7 billion people all have a separate and unique experience in their life. While it is true every human perceives things, it is not definitive that every perception is different. In fact, many people can and do have shared interest. People are more likely to have shared experiences then individual ones.

The only reason people want the “live your truth” mantra to be real, is to hide deep seeded insideous and repulsive behaviors, that they want to have normalized as if it weren’t perverse and disgusting.

But you know, existance began when the offended took their first breath, so at least we have that.


Na that just makes you evil and the bad guy


for my own gaze. i’m a heteronorm female but i think the female body is a masterpiece of nature. they are visually symmetrical, thus soothing. their shape is rounded and curved, and such shapes are easy on the brain.

why arent they censoring males?


Is it? Where are your stats showing a lot of people don’t want sexy things?

Neither can be right or wrong


This is why people get plastic surgery right to show it off?

There are no stats but probably more people support having sexy things in game than don’t.


Problem with it is: AS long as you use the “freedoms” and “all the good stuff” to justify the reason for no censorship, you are also advocating that freedom and all the good stuff allows Blizz to censor whatever they want in THEIR game.

A female playing a back stabbing rogue that likes picking pockets …hmmmm…yup no connection what so ever between the two , other than rouge and rogue typos

Agreed. Let’s start with censoring my human’s gorilla arms and give him something normal thanks


This has nothing to do with respecting women. It has everything with trying to cover there butts in hopes it will generate sympathy. The don’t respect women. They don’t respect players.


i’m a prude for my own attire because i’m old and not interested in attracting suitors, but there’s nothing wrong with the female body that it should be censored in art. we’re gonna lose evidence that women even exist at the rate we are being censored.


Technically y’all gotta speak up, but unfortunately they dislike you guys for that. To them you’re just a number. Overall they’re literally trying to regress everything that looks good on females. They keep forgetting y’all are the alluring gender for a main reason.

This is why I love when Japan called these people out. “You speak of doing right for females, but you’re actually degrading them and their bodies they were born with”. They recognize what’s happening and also who is the culprit behind the curtains hence why they too get attack by the crowd. The only difference is they’re overseas with their culture and by all means defending it. Our culture is being butchered and forgotten.

Nevertheless we’re still fighting back because while this may look small. This is another attack on trying to censor stuff that shouldn’t even be censored. Why are they even censoring to teenage - adults anyway is the big question.



Men (and women) have been asking for more sexy armor models for men for years! Holy smokes, are you oblivious. The only ones who would be protesting are faux prudes like yourself who loudly protest anything remotely sexual in a pretend digital world while secretly oogling stereotypically sexy men.

You’re a hypocrite masquerading as a self-righteous Tumblrite.

I’m still waiting on my hot pink manthong with accenting neon green flames. And boxers with hearts on them. My warrior would proudly wear that.


I find that for some odd reason a males junk is more likely to show up uncensored on screen than a women’s junk.


Please link to all the skimpy mogs they’re deleting out of the game! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I want them to allow the leg slot to be invisible so those sexy Ahn’qiraj gowns with the thigh cutouts will be visually correct, and not show the Ancestral Woolies underneath.

Hmmm… I can’t seem to find any announcements regarding Blizzard deleting any platekini or skimpy mogs from the game.

Please link it because I honestly can’t find it.


You probably mean “conventionally attractive” here. “Conveniently attractive” has… other implications.

Still, good points.

slow boiling .
censored sylvannas’ belly button.
changed char creation gear so no bare midriffs, cleavage or belly buttons are visible.
stopped making skimpy gear pieces.
censoring the lock succubus
then social pressure will take care of the rest


pffft. Seeing you feminist types talk about us is always a ride. The thinly veiled misandry you all put on display never gets old. The fact that you think there’d be a “huge” backlash from men over sexy male armor just shows the depth of your delusion when it comes to men in general. Maybe try talking to a few.


I’ve wanted the “conan” look for Orc Melee classes for a long time.