As a female player....oof

You didn’t call anything… And my eyes are up HERE.


I feel like crusading against transmog is the wrong path to go., since it is an aspect of the game entirely in the player’s control. And what they dress with and use in their character mogs is purely their own choice.

NPC’s, I can kind of see the point of it, I can compromise and say “sure, this is reasonable” since it is something everyone has to experience in the game if they play the story mode at all.

The actual customization of yourself though, should be left up to each individual player, and yes I’m also all for equality in it, give men scantly clad gear as well,let the fantasy go both ways. I don’t see a problem with that. My point is, just keep the choice in it, let each individual choose what their mog is and how much they mog. Simple as that.


Can you define sexy armor?

Check what I am wearing.



Hope you wear sunscreen!

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Bathe in the Light!

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The censorship is not as extreme as what occurred on Tumblr. Of course, if my “trademarked” Corset receives any alterations I am guaranteed to permanently swap to Warframe.

I’ll be damned if the Male characters would be the only ones who have the option to look sexy if they so much please…


Not sure but it doesn’t do much in terms of coverage.

quite a bit and really on my server go away i wear and do what i want idc what others think i guess you ignore all the posts thru the yrs ive seen that people here want sexy mogs revealing mogs for males here and theres tons of it irl to.


Yep - going waaay overboard hoping the settlement they’re gonna pay is less.

This is gd ridiculous


Jesus, what are you? Part tanuki?

You didn’t call anything

I said that if anything were added for the female gaze, it would be quickly protested, and nothing would change. There’d still be way more sexy female clothing than sexy male clothing, it’d just be a passive aggressive way to punish anyone who criticized all the Victoria’s Secret clothing in the game.

Like I mentioned before in an example. There is no incubus warlock pet. There is a succubus warlock pet, and they even added Shivarra the Thong Ladydemon as another sexy female pet. If they tried to add an incubus pet, a bunch of angry nerds would protest adding any sexy male demon pets while they still got to keep their two sexy female demon pets.


Male characters can freely hide tops and put on leather woolies see it quite a bit actually not sure how much skimpier you can get than that.


As long as you can transmog women in bikini armor, they havn’t censored anything yet.
And, I know women friends who like bikini armor.

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I know. My void elf boy toy runs around in his two warbear woolies for my enjoyment.

I never said remove all sexy female clothing. What I’m saying is that women dont demand nearly as much fanservice as men do, but if there IS going to be fanservice, let women have some too.

I mean, we have plenty of women cheering for the male gazey sexy female clothing. Allow me to bring balance to the world and cheer for sexy male clothing for the female gaze.


Yeah, probably. People complain about everything. They should still do it though. More sexy male outfits and male demons for the warlocks that want them. It wouldn’t offend me at all.


It’s the blue checkmark weirdos of twitter. One person complains and companies fold like a cheap suit.


Eh, i think you’ll find that times are changing. There are always going to be guys upset over the sexualization of their masculinity, but thats definitely changing. A lot of people now just want more sexy things period, regardless of gender

Pretty sexist ngl


I have no problem with that but blizz has largely decided they don’t like sexy mog in general outside of the dh chests in legion we have gotten very little new besides a few cloth pieces.

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The main reasoning behind this is pretty obvious when you see how many comments in here talk about things like “men are more visual gratification”, and “women is not turned on by things turning men on”.

It is all like: “We know what everyone should or could want better than even themselves”.