As a female player....oof

Oh come on, if you’re going to use that argument….

Go to any borders bookstore. Go to the romance section and pick up literally any book. Then go read about the male hero in the book that the woman lead character ends up with.

“Tall dark and handsome”.

Is that not fan service?

(There is nothing wrong with this and I’m not suggesting there is. Just showcasing it goes both ways).


Been seeing a few comments about wanting an incubus in game in “Succubus is sexist please remove” post. I can see both genders can like that.


That entirely depends on who is doing the “censoring.”

I feel like it’s a fine middle ground as long as mogs are not also changed. Why? Because transmog is entirely player controlled, and is an example of autonomy.

I, as a woman myself, have several different characters, who I RP differing personalities.

Teilaiya, my monk, she covers up completely, she is very private doesn’t like showing off her body, and thinks it’s no one’s business. My priest is in black mageweave, she ENJOYS wearing that, she enjoys dressing in a more flashy fashion. Same goes for real women, Some like dressing like that and some don’t, and both are valid opinions.

So as far as I am concerned, change all the NPCs you want, but leave the transmog alone because that is purely YOUR CHOICE.


If the option is given, it is going to happen.
We know this already.

And it does happen, there are a couple of skimpy male outfits out there, now even more so with the option to hide chest pieces.

There is no need to beg for it, because it is not being removed because men tend not to complain about being objectified.

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Agreed. This censorship is becoming nonsense. Changing the paintings feels absurd. They’ve been there since forever, and there’s nothing wrong with them. Same deal with the recent achievement renaming shenanigans, among other things. It’s all becoming a bit too much.


As a female player, these changes don’t bother me.


I’d say you could go to the shelf by the checkout line and pick up a copy of Hustler and Playboy, but that kind of content is much more easily available online for free. Sadly.

But yes. Most women need to care about the man before sexualizing him. That’s why you can read an entire book with zero pictures and still be enamored with the handsome hero in a romance. For men, its much more visual instant gratification. They dont need anything more from the woman aside from how hot she is.

I’d be happy with an incubus pet or more handsome male characters with sexy armor. But Im not going to be a sleezy nerd about it and demand or beg that it be in my video games.


I literally know women who collect and wear “sexy mog” far more than guys do.


I agree with you. I think it’s silly.


Yes it’s not like women drool all over male actors for their looks. It’s also not like there is erotica written for guys as well. Nope men are just all brutes who can only get there based on visual while women are intellectual creatures who eschew visuals. Humans in general like attractive people. There is no great divide between the genders in terms of appeal of written word vs visual.


Tis a shame. It’s strange how some people think that sexualized content should be deleted in video games. I appreciate Baldur’s Gate 3, Final Fantasy 14, etc. are fine adding suggestive themes or exploring into this area.


Thank you.

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Trust me, if they added sexy mogs for male characters only - there would be a huge backlash from men, and some helpful women, accusing Blizzard of sexism.

But that argument isnt weight fairly. There will still always be much more slutty female gear than there is for males, and that balance will remain unchanged. Because the goal is to punish women who disliked all the sexualized female characters and deny them any sexy male characters in the future.

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You’re such a hypocrite.


Called it.

Can you define sexy armor?

We already have the hide chest option. So most characters in this game can already achieve that male magazine model look, if that’s what you want.

If you’re looking for shorter legs options, I think they have a few and should add more.

At the end of the day this is about expression. People should be able to express themselves freely through fashion within the game.


Yah she really showed off that plastic surgery lol :+1:

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SO this is why they covered up Zovaal’s nipples.



Please do not use that term out of context. That is offensive.


No matter how many people try to talk about it, it is not “Blizzard” who is doing this, it is the “World” who is doing this.
You know this game must abide to a set of rules set by a “higher power” called “idiotic World Democracy”, which among other things tell people around the World the following:

  • You might do whatever you want, but if you dont abide to our “idea of ideal”, we will stick a label in your product, preventing it from being sold in countries which want other “stuff” to work their way, so instead of clearly saying “we want this way”, we say “this is PEG something or MA something, and therefore, people who want their things to be cool with us another way, we deem their things whatever we want”.

This has nothing to do with player demands or “Blizzard evil mind”.

This has the same idiotic reason why a movie like “Chronicles of Riddick” put music and take out the sound of battle, while actually keeping a violent battle, so “more people can enter the theater to see it”.

Nothing more, nothing less, just idiotic “World democratic consensus”.

The same idiotic thing that censor boobs in a country I can go down two blocks and see all naked sculptures and paintings openly portrayed in a temple, because here no one cares about nudity. Still, to abide to “YOUR (western)” culture, to show up movies and books, they need to have censorship for some reason. The same people who cant understand why in this country you can have nudity, but it bans -adult- things. The same people who find it odd and contradictory.

So no, it wont change, no matter how many players do this “oh, it is offensive to me finding this offensive”. This ship has sailed long before most of the players were even born.