As a female player....oof

Very true - it’s a bit perplexing.

This is right here. It’s just a ridiculous out of touch corporate mindset. I work for a huge corp that found itself in a legal dumpster fire. The first thing they did was start changing or addressing surface level issues in an attempt to change public perception. While these changes had no bearing on the issue that really got us in trouble, the execs and board were clutching for anything that would minimize the damage.

I know I’m a few months late, but where the heck do you have a Borders? Didn’t they close down over a decade ago?



Yes. Sadly they all closed in Omaha Ne., I think? Oh, the entire chain closed in 2011? Time flies.

We still have a big “Barnes and Noble.”

See, kids, back in the day we had these things called “Book Stores” and “Libraries”; these places had things called “books” which were made from the paper of “trees.”

I was sad the other day when I heard the “Big Library”, downtown here in Omaha NE., was going away. It was huge and had several floors and I hung out there a lot around 1986 or so.


You nailed it! Precisely why I created this character :slight_smile:

Can’t, I’m a “white Christian male.” I get accused of racism, religious tunnel vision, insensitivity, etc. if I speak out at all against some thing an Islamic sect/whatever is doing.

I get accused of being religiously insensitive if I say I don’t think women should have to cover up and that they should have equal rights.

So I can’t say those things. Women might have to “save” other women?


You convinced me.

no one is accusing you of being religiously insensitive because you think Afghani women should have rights lol. However it’s kind of imperialistic to suggest Western powers should interfere with cultural customs in a country nothing like our own. It usually doesn’t end well for anyone

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I think of black widow for something like this where she’s an absolute smoke show but turns 100% badass and the character is no longer about how she looks, although she still looks good doing it.

It seems that you, like too many others, think (or pretend to think) that there is no third path between waging a war and completely ignoring the “issue” (that is exactly what everybody is doing).
Just gimme a break.

I didn’t say anything about war

I guess nobody here wants another war. The difference is that people like you does not want the “issue” even spoken of.
Ah, to avoid another “misunderstand”: the “issue” is not war.

what issue are you talking about lol

then what’s the issue lol

Meanwhile, I just want more cute stuff lol.

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What is happening to women there.
I hope you understand WHERE.

no that’s a fair topic to discuss. just gotta be careful with how we could help the women there achieve what they want and while not causing Afghani’s to perceive it as us forcing our cultural norms into their ways of life. It also can’t be framed as us liberating anyone, the women leading the effort should be recognized as the leaders of their efforts.

Any heavy-handed approach that makes women’s rights in Afghanistan look like western countries are behind it will prob not be accepted by a lot of people. The US has a terrible track record with picking people to support there. Hell, I think before the US left, we were backing warlords with child brides

oh and I wouldnt say you were racist for supporting ideas that our government or institutions should involve themselves with women’s rights in Afghanistan. I’d just think it’s a bit ethnocentric. We’d probably muck it up and make things worse so we should probably hold off.

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I know the post I’m replying to was from September, but how is it a stereotype that women exist to be attractive to men?

Biologically speaking, men are hardwired to find a mate that they find attractive. And what is attractive to the overwhelming majority of men, are breasts, which are used to feed their offspring. Wide hips, because they’re better for birthing. And not being overweight, as being unhealthy in that way is counter to being capable of surviving.

You’re calling biological hardwiring, a stereotype, for no reason other than to make yourself feel better, about yourself not being what men want lmao.

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Do you mean Stormwind, the most populous zone in the game besides Origrimmar?

Or do you mean busty portraits in Kul Tiras, another one of the most popular and populous zones in the game?

I agree that it’s an extremely complex problem, and that the West (not just the US) has a terrible track record in trying (or, much more realistically, pretending to try) to handle it.
And the worst problem of all: nobody in the West really cares about what happens to poor people elsewhere. Left, right or center.

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yeah that’s not how any of that works lol

What a group of people believe is attractive and the beauty standards that follow are cultural, not biological. Some cultures don’t consider breasts to be sexual in any way. Others have a history of viewing overweight women and/or men as attractive, perceiving their weight as a symbol of wealth and power.

All that ‘biological hardwiring’ nonsense is terribly out of date and should just remain something men desperately tell their wives after he’s been caught having an affair