As a female player....oof

i think people care, it’s just that myself and I’d say most others don’t really know how to support something in a country with a culture we know little to nothing about. So while people want men and women to have the same rights all over the world, they can’t offer any valuable solutions or insight so they prefer to keep their mouth shut

Now if you are talking about Western governments and corporations - yeah, unfortunately I doubt it’s a priority

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You really don’t understand biology or psychology do you lol.

White knights always make me laugh. Go to the gym or something kiddo

i studied medical anthropology for 4 years after spending 4 years in the Marine Corps - but im sure you know more about the topic than i do


yikes, that backfired on you quite spectacularly didn’t it?


What you described is HERD mentality~

Pretty much every major WoW content creator, and even a handful of the female staff of Blizzard agree with the essence of what’s stated in the OPs thread.

“Seriously, it’s like the guys at Blizzard just shouted ‘Oh jeeze we’re offensive to women!? I GUESS WE CAN’T HAVE WOMEN IN THE GAME NOW!? Remove them from the in-game paintings and replace them with bowls of fruit!’ as an escape alternative, which helps literally no one.” — Asmongold.


Imagine trying to portray yourself as intellectually superior while still making comments like


Good on ya!

How about the option to change it from skimpy outfit to the full armor set, being able to be toggled like show helm/shoulder and all that?

“as a female player…oof (oooo fuc* my belly, i’m going to die”