As a female player....oof

The only thing that is true is that you post on a level 10.


I have my pitchfork and torch ready, sir!

welcome to the woke culture, i knew stuff like this would happen. it’s infecting every level of gaming, this hyper offended sect of people, that are not happy unless they are ruining every bit of fun for everyone. this is kinda why i have gravitated towards single player games.

tho even those are starting to get hit, look at god of war. there was an achievement called bros before hoes. and they changed it because some women were getting upset. i mean they were not offended playing a hyper masculine murder machine. just that trophy name. go figure, people are not happy unless they are upset like all the time.


This. So much if this. But I would also add to that the fact that dressing like this apparently ‘bewitches’ low level life forms into committing sexual assault and then society collectively agrees that ‘she was asking for it.’ As if the cloths a woman wears control a man’s behavior.

But totally, if it weren’t for those two problems; I would definitely rock the sexiest outfit I could find every day.

So please, don’t take my $1U$7 mog away. At least in the fantasy world online I can show off.


Way to completely misrepresent an argument and strawman it into oblivion. People weren’t “super upset” over the action, they were “super upset” over the precedent that action was setting and it worried a lot of people for different reasons.

People who liked to ogle pixels hated it because it took away from their fun.

People, some of which are women, who liked to scantily clad their characters were now worried if their transmogs were going to get changed in following this when their sets were deemed too problematic. On that, can I just point out how amazing it is that feminism went from “women should be able to wear whatever they want in public whenever they want” (which yes, as should anybody provided it follows common decency, don’t show up in public naked, but if you want to dress like a goth chick in fishnet leggings by all means do it, if you’re a guy and want to wear yoga pants for some reason, go for it) to “women can’t dress like this, it gives men bad thoughts, women can’t be sexy in games either because it teaches men to be sexist somehow” in a bizarrely fast way?

People who don’t care at all about the subject were angered because development time was actually dedicated to scrubbing non-offensive things from the game to cater to the development team’s mindset. Especially since they just went 7 months for the first content patch, then 4 months for a micro patch that fixed one gameplay issue they actually cared about, but the rest was fixing “offensive” content in the game. Now it’s taking away their enjoyment of the game.

People who play video games to escape the real world and all of its crap were upset because to them it was a declaration that WoW’s current development team is on board with making the game they play to avoid real life into a political soapbox of their real world political ideas where they now have to contend with them in their escape to avoid them in the first place. Real life sucks, I play video games to avoid that fact. I avoid politics because it’s a headache. The last thing I want is IRL politics in my virtual world and getting lectured by a developer on politics. That’s why people ripped Activision for their BLM message whenever you opened the game apart. They don’t want to deal with that, they just want to play the damn game and be happy. Not be lectured of social issues of the real world in a fantasy game they play to unwind and disengage from reality.

To reiterate, people weren’t upset at the action at face value. People were far more upset at the precedent it was setting which is to say now anything we might enjoy will be potentially taken from us if the development team deems it to be too upsetting. Like really, they took away Martek’s babes, for what purpose did this serve?

They gutted a questline that was a reference to a PARODY mocking overly chauvinistic men in fantasy stories because it had the word “damsel” used which they now view as demeaning to women.

Those things alone in mind tells another tale. That this isn’t exactly based in literal offense or rationality. There is no logical case to be made. It is strictly on “what is offending the developers this patch cycle?” It’s based solely on the discretion of a development team that can find the smallest of things problematic at the drop of a hat and incredibly small and minor things will take away from development time on the game because they view these things as a more pressing issue. Then to cap it off, we all know what Blizzard does best. Quadruple down on terrible decisions. With or without being given an inch they will take a mile, and take an additional 5 more if they view it as necessary.


It wasn’t the change on its own, but what it represented in the broader context of content removal and Blizzard’s behavior at the time. While player concerns with game design and existing problems in the game continued to languish and fester, Blizzard committed personnel and resources to sweeping the database to find and remove content it now deemed inappropriate.

In the wave of content removals that followed (which players here and elsewhere variously praised, accepted, or criticized), that resource expenditure targeted a tiny, insignificant, “stupid painting no one even knew about” and replaced it not with an altered version or another painting of a female, but with a bowl of fruit.

That is why the change to the painting was pilloried.


This. So much this.
I add, where is the outrage against what is happening to women (again) in Afghanistan?
And please, Blizz, don’t give the Talibans ideas. They could decide that the burqa is not enough and opt for the bowl of fruit.
All this is crazy.


It may be unrelated but I heard about the ‘censoring’ going on in the game not too long after I heard about the lawsuit. It’s my perception that management chose to apply some censorship in order to show ‘good faith and right thinking after the fact’ in the event that this kind of thing crops up in court.

I’ve never seen an attractive woman complain about such things; it’s always the ones of the more “butch” variety causing all the fuss …just saying. & as far as censorship Why is there a need? Do not good & bad ideas prove themselves in debate? People do know that what made the west great was open forums & public debate? Maybe the problem is good ideas prove themselves & bad ones do too… then the truth comes out…


The argument I would make is that it does affect a man’s behavior: the PROBLEM is that we blame the WOMAN for the actions of that man, and not the MAN who committed those actions.

A woman should be able to stand totally nude wherever she wants. And you can be sure that plenty of men (and a fair portion of women) will be affected by that… but that DOESN’T GIVE YOU THE GD RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING TO HER. This is where our society has utterly failed.


“You want me to fight your fight and be on your side, then walk the walk and fight REAL injustices, not raise a fuss because you didn’t get fresh fries at Wendy’s.”

These words should be framed and taught in grammar schools in the whole world.


What some people do may open the door to trouble, but trouble still has to choose to walk through.

With rights come responsibilities.

/eye twitch


Thanks. You taught me.

My excuses:

  1. I am not a native English speaker.

  2. I am partly dyslexic.


Yeah, the large corporation trying to save it’s image explained! Believe it! Because they wouldn’t lie, would they?

I’m just gonna assume you’re naive, rather than…you know.

This is not about things being offensive, this is all about Blizz’s lawsuit and showing ways they “improved” the games, even if it’s over the top.

Not sure if I should flag that as spam or trolling, damn necro


I would rather have someone necro a thread than to create a new one for the same topic.

I was unsubscribed when all this went down and I’m happy to see I wasn’t the only Woman who was annoyed by this like seriously trying to cover up the bodies of Women isn’t empowering or progressive it’s regressive and misogynistic


Boom boom tik tok girls just want to have fun. Give me a break from this nonsense. Some woman want it both ways.