As a female player....oof

As a guy that’s always had more female friends than male ones I can confirm this. They’re in CONSTANT competition with each other & that can get nasty at times; as far as guys caring less I will agree with one exception. We Virgo’s see all minor details / flaws:)


Unfortunately that’s the main issue, what some may view and agree others will not. It’s a damned if they do, damned if they don’t type of thing for blizzard honestly.

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Yeah, you don’t get to speak for me or what is empowering for me, either.

(As a female player, who also has a backbone AND likes cleavage.)


^ I really hope a blue sees this and passes this feedback along.


As someone who’s actually educated on the game, I think you might not want to speak, period.

But bringing back Garrosh calling Sylvanas the B-word, and Jaina’s cleavage does nothing for anyone - except make the male gazers happy.

The reason why Garrosh was censored was not because of sexism, but because a blizzard employee was playing the game with his kid and his kid heard a bad word(from a game that was rated T for TEEN).

There’s no sexism here, especially when Sylvanas was the one who said the B word probably the most in the history of the game.

Do you want to remove her telling arthas that? A moment where a servant rises up against her master and nearly kills him? Isn’t that empowering?

It’s always funny to me when a alleged woman complains about characters being sexy. . . meanwhile the custom character I made for myself in WWE 2K16 is topless.


It’s not about what the players find offensive, it’s about what the devs find problematic and in contrast with their puritan ideology. They already said it on Twitter.

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Puritanism isn’t the issue here, nor is it to blame for any of the changes.

Point the finger where it needs to be pointed…the plague that is progressivism/wokeism.


I can’t help but notice the Incubus model is topless.
This is a double standard, why is the female not allowed to run around topless?

Why must she be oppressed like this?
Especially considering she is a demon and I’m sure she couldn’t care less if she offended anyone who doesn’t like her body.

It’s immersion breaking and needs to be fixed.


This is just stupid.

Everyone has been told, it’s been explained.
The changes were made for the people who make the game. It’s not for us or you.
The ‘outrage’ over the changes is just pathetic. Those of you who are trying to politicize the changes or taking personal offense and exaggerating them as if they were made on your account sound extra silly.
You’re making fools of yourselves. :clown_face:


Blizzard will come out with a new toy called fruit basket 10 min cooldown. You’ll be turned into a fruit basket and you will like it.


Actually it isn’t stupid Tomolak is absolutely correct. Like are you not seeing what is going on in society?

TBQH, the only one that looks like a fool is YOU!


I really question how offended those who think the game is ‘too woke’ etc, really are. I think they just like to mouth off and would never quit the game over it. I just don’t believe they have the principles they claim to have.


if there’s one thing true about wow players is that they’re professional victims.


People aren’t offended by it, we are just pointing out what is going on. When did anyone say they would quit the game over “wokeness”?


So voicing a concern is being a victim. WOW, so that’s how it works. The more you know!


yes. being super upset over a stupid painting no one even knew about being changed and throwing a toddler time temper tantrum over it is absolutely playing the victim.

changing that painting hurt literally no one. on the scale of “is this a big deal” it ranks a -8

not saying you did this. I don’t know. but that’s absolutely the behavior we saw on the forums after the change was discovered.

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Nobody got super upset, what you feel important is SUBJECTIVE! Just because it is a big deal for you doesn’t make it for others. I notice people like you like to insult and tell others what is important and not important. No one is having a temper tantrum.

Let me rephrase that, the only one having a temper tantrum is you, anytime someone makes a complaint you and a few others insult and shame them.

Personally, I could care less about a painting or emote, because I am too busy playing the game. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be important for someone else and I nor you have no business insulting them!


nah, when someone is framing their argument using words like “woke”, they’re pretty much setting themselves up for insults.

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But the changes are woke, just because you don’t think it is doesn’t make it untrue. Society has become very very weak and coddle to the minority that get offended by everything.


Honestly, I don’t for one minute buy into the whole “I’m offended” battlecry.
It’s not about being offended at all, it’s about power, forcing your will onto someone else and make them submit to you.

Where is the outrage over women being sold overseas TO THIS DAY for 75 cents per hour or 2500.00 outright. We have modern day slavery all over the world but the only kind these progressives seem to care about is the one that happened over 100 years ago.

What about children being traffic’d in this country everyday from south of the border? Where is the outrage there?

Not a peep, but refuse them free stuff at Walmart and it’s a knife fight in the parking lot.

Give me a break.

You want me to fight your fight and be on your side, then walk the walk and fight REAL injustices, not raise a fuss because you didn’t get fresh fries at Wendy’s.