As a female player....oof

What does your personal gender identity have to do with developers (lol and lawyers) injecting their personal world views into the game?

Objectifing anyone is not a good thing, but lasttime i checked the NPCs is wow arent real thus you can do what you want and objectify your character all you wish, now if a person uses doing it in a videogame as an excuse to do it in real life then that is the persons fault not the videogame


The answer is clear. For the sake of true equality, we need more armor options that-

  1. Protect & enhance the masculine & feminine features of our Characters as if they’re to march proudly through the streets of their home city in their decorative armor (aka Armored Abs, Breast curvature, and etc.)
  2. Purely focuses on ultimate protective coverage over flashy, arrogant, or provocative designs that belittle the reasoning for protecting our masculine & feminine forms (aka non-Armored Abs, non-Breast Armor, and etc…)
  3. Compliments the masculine & feminine features of our Characters to capture gazes without shrouding them in unnecessary amounts of handmade materials. (Aka Primitive Armor, Seductive Armor, and etc.)

And to top it off - ensure we can dye it all to our heart’s content. Why? Because if I have to go one more expansion praying someone in the art department will capture both my taste in armor design & coloration, I might have to snatch up a Kobold to punt it over the front gate of Stormwind.

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I answered you succinctly, which you totally ignored:

When bunch of grown up men drawing teenage women in a bikini armor, it doesn’t matter if its real or not, they’re objectifying women.

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They are objectifying fictional women, it only matters is they do it in real life, so as long as they were raised by good parents they will know the difference between fictional women and real women

Objectifying fictional women still has an impact on the real world and how they perceive women.


No it doesnt, just like violent videogames dont make people violent


Just because you say it doesn’t, doesn’t mean it’s true lol. Objectifying women is a bad thing, doesn’t matter if it’s real or fictional.

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i still wanna know why breasts are considered bad. without them, no humans would be here, unless they were clones.

You must live a really unhappy life.


So, are you going to address this little mistake showing that you’re nothing more than a troll? Or are you just going to ignore it in hopes that you can continue your bs?

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My god go outside and do something. For real you are a miserable person, I couldn’t imagine living my life hating and being offended by everything! You only get one life, go out and have fun be happy!


Why are you following me around, why don’t you go outside instead?

This is a subject that covers all areas of daily life and especially spaces with great audiovisual content. In Wow we have everything, the players that are and those that are not female and that certainly sometimes their Pj’s are quite offensive to the eye. Every time I’ve asked a WoW friend why they use female characters they’ve given me the same answer: ‘they look better’. C’mon guys! You can’t see better a Pj who looks like he came out of a seedy cabaret xD. Obviously the players pour a lot of their sexuality into the look of the Pjs they use. My point is, be more honest with yourself (that’s for males who play female Pj’s) and more respectful of others. If someone goes to their study or work center as if they came from a cabaret, they will obviously be reprimanded! There are spaces for everything, and if we want to live in society, we must respect spaces and their diversity (age, gender, etc.) and understand that all personal or particular rights extend to where the Law of Others begins. Neither so green nor so ripe.

just an elimination of race…

white knights, brown nosers: “ThEy SaId ThEy WeReNt GoInG aFtEr TrAnSmOgS!”

Me: yeah, they also said they wouldn’t implement scaling either. :roll_eyes:

my sub auto renewed around the end of Oct at like 1 in the morning…not sure why that was. must’ve resubbed at 1 in the morning a while back when i couldn’t sleep. so…i’m pretty much stuck till the end of this month. i may pop back in during Pilgrim’s Bounty and get the cookbook for the recipes. and i was considering working on cooking as well, but…the less i have to do with this “woke” piece of ████, the better for my stress and anxiety IMO. ._.

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For both male and female, we need more skimpy armors for male characters, whats the point of all the body customizations if you can’t show them


I’ve long said that; it is women who like other women looking really good/or notice that they do.

You think women wear make-up and great clothes for guys? Ha! They wear it so other women say they look nice, guys could care less. I am never going to know what kind of heels a lady is wearing, or if she is made up just right.

I respect women dressing the way they want, while I also realize that it is not “for me.”


For the love of gnome let this stupid thread die.


How about a compromise? Revealing cloths for the gals & loin cloths / pimp hats for the guys:)

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