As a female player....oof

That’s a lot of upvotes to objectify people. I suppose there is a large, crux-like overlap between the wow community, the “onlyfans” community, and the “has a poor relationship with their father” community.

Chesterton said many things on this topic:

“When you treat sex as innocent, all innocent things become drenched in sex.”

“Do not be proud of the fact that your grandmother was shocked at something which you are accustomed to seeing or hearing without being shocked. There are two meanings of the word “nervous”; and it is not even a physical superiority to be actually without nerves. It may mean that your grandmother was an extremely lively and vital animal; and that you are a paralytic.”

For what we do at least know, in the most fundamental fashion, is that man is man by the possession of these fastidious fancies; from which the freethinking haddock is entirely emancipated, and by which the latitudinarian turnip is never troubled. To lose the sense of repugnance from one thing, or regard for another, is exactly so far as it goes to relapse into the vegetation or to return to the dust. But for about fifty or sixty years nearly all our culture and controversial trend has been conducted on the assumption that, as long as we could get used to any sort of caddishness, we could be perfectly contented in being cads. I do not say that all the results of the process have been wrong. But I do say that the test of the process has been wrong from first to last; for it is not a case against the citizen that a man can grow accustomed to being either a savage or a slave.

It is not a case against the citizen that a man can be used to being a slave, and the worst slavery is to one’s passions. A turnip will never “judge” you, a fish cannot tell you to be modest, but who wants to be a vegetable or a fish?

“The fury with which you search after pleasure proves you have none.”

Well while you’re down there ( ~,.,-)

And who said blizzard employees didn’t post on the forums!

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and i find it ofensive, stop please.

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have to agree, all the censoring stuff is just … silly.

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I love how you keep talking about the male gaze, not just men want sexy female characters, many female players do too, because it has been proven that majority of men and women enjoy looking at the female form, so before you start dumping on men look at your own gender as well

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Its still one woman opinion in the end. In cases like these they go with majority.

Whoa whoa they removed Slave pens, they do realize that waa called that because that is were the slaves were kept, the apC stuff is getting out of hand, cant even have evil faction have slaves, yes slaves are bad and the faction has slaves because the Faction is EVIL!!

Slave Pens isn’t being removed from the game. It’s being removed from the TBC timewalking rotation. They’re changing the rotations for ALL of the current timewalking rotations. Which I guess is a nice switch up so that it’s not the same dungeons every time that expansion’s turn comes around.

This is probably a case of someone just glancing over the patch notes and happened to see the block of text that said “REMOVED - The Slave Pens” and jumped to the mother of all conclusions.

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Oh ok sorry, just been reading through the thread and the amount of male hatred spouted by some of the posters is just unreal, hating and wanting anything removed just because it was created or programed by a male

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im a female player too!

Objectify people?

In an effort to come across as intellectual, you prove you can’t even be sophomoric.


i’ve pondered all this. while i personally agree with modesty for myself, i do so out of a sense of respect for others, but i wouldnt presume to demand that others see it the same way and i’ll give an example:

Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

these are in their natural attire, as created. the rest of creation appears in its natural state, which clearly means, the natural state was designed to be beautiful, not as a point of condemnation.

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Very funny.


YES! you love treating people as objects, that you can find some women who like to be objectified is not an argument for it. I discussed this in detail in the post you pretended to reply to here.

I have no idea what you are trying to say with the second sentence, those words you are wielding look a bit too big for you. you swing them like a shovel.

Nakedness is for one’s own Spouse. Modesty IS beautiful, and there is no “zero sum” contradiction here. you are right it is a question of respect, but the question you must answer is for whom.

You can actually objectify people, mostly women.

It’s obvious. You managed to type a whole lots of words… without a single rebuttal of anything I said. Because… you have no idea what I said. Your best solution would be to not post anything.

Yeah? No kidding. But that has nothing to do with either of my posts. Which you, too, obviously don’t understand.

That incels like you and Iandore try and objectify women has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with what they wear. You are categorically calling yourselves out as typical “she was askin’ fer it” types. And to your point, yes, YOU objectify women-- but it really doesn’t matter what they wear. Or what they do. Or what they say. It’s always some EVIL THING that stirs up those immoral thoughts and make YOU … treat them as objects.

Follow the language-- that’s a YOU problem.

You are REALLY trying to argue this point with the wrong person because I am a nudist. I talk about art, music, literature and any number of topics (yes, even sex) with completely nude females (and males) ALL THE TIME. That’s my normal. So whether they wear a floor length trench coat, or DARE to show their ankles, or a string bikini, or even completely nude… I don’t treat women as objects … BECAUSE I DON’T TREAT WOMEN AS OBJECTS. THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT and how YOU threat them… is a YOU thing.

So, as a human being and a nudist, I refer back to my post with its hundreds of upvotes for men and women who obviously understand: women can do WHATEVER THE DAMN HELL THEY WANT. And no matter what they do you should not objectify them. THAT IS A YOU problem!



I don’t think you understand what objectify means.

Also you need to chill and stop mansplaining me.

Did you just assume their gender?


Definitely spot on here.