As a female player....oof

yeah…the wifes been seeing some of the stuff and its about got her ready to quit the game…again. lmao.
All those little things are what set this game apart from ESO and the rest. When its like ESO, I’ll just go play ESO because mechanically ESO is a better game, even if it lacks the personality of WoW…well, currently it does, till the PC crowd ruin it all.


Players: Noooo, you can’t just remove decades of WoW culture!
Blizzard: This entire city of insensitive jokes must be purged.

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Put on the burqa or a WoW dev might sexually harass you.

but think about the children who will watch you slay that dragon in a miniskirt!!! shun!!!

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Yeah but those “sexy and powerful” female characters are all wack.

Sylvanas is garbage. Always was. And she is a “B-word”.

Tyrande is just weak.

Jaina is cringe.

Garrosh is and always will be what WoW is all about.

Zug Zug

Just an elimination of the game and the company itself…

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Can i have her gold?

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lol. She spends it as fast as I can give it to her.

You are level 48, lol!

This is, nearly word for word, what the female players in my guild are saying about these changes,

Whatever is that anyone else is saying, it doesnt matter because they have to wrong.

Sounds legit.

i agree , the game was not the issue , it was the people running the game , changing the game will not change the perspective here, the new admins need to realize that and instead just make the people guilty of that behavior public and state the low tolerance in it and what they did to punish them , no instead they take things from the game that has no reason behind it , IE the slave pens , taking it from the game is dumb , i mean that was part of the game and thats what the war was about in wow at that time to help end the burning legions slavery and corruption and to close the dark portal, hell why not take out bfa content totally , the community found that whole expansion offensive as it corrupted a beloved leader the content was all chores and no real fun and a borrowed power fest from hell , the whole expansion would not be missed by many players at all.

The execs, management, and senior devs face Bobby’s wrath, pay cuts, lay offs, and reduced resources if a judge orders Blizzard to pay damages. They’ll do anything to avoid it, including purging anything that the prosecutor can point to as evidence of problematic workplace influences manifesting in the game. Blizzard saying that it’s to increase inclusivity is just their way of spinning it to seem more virtuous.

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If the game gets sued for more than 20 mil it risks ending with Unactivision

I want to wear what I want to wear, too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The problem I have with all the this is I do not want a fantasy videogame to become too political and I feel that it is becoming too political. I do not need the LGBT community trying to change me. I will always be a cis gender heterosexual female until the day I die. I also do not enjoy mysognist mgtow men bashing and disrespecting me either. Back off. Go away. Leave me alone. :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe provide a few burka options? No one is forcing you to wear a cleavage mog.

Yeah, well, you’re an ethereal animal figure conjured by dudes with magical sticks


You sound like a cubicle crawlers trying to silence women’s voice.

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No. Women need to be modest and show the least amount of skin humanly possible.

New transmogs for female classes will be burqa going forward.

I support slutmog.

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:thinking: :thinking:

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