As a female player....oof

your lame excuse for playing a sexy race is ‘the body positive race that can be a druid I haven’t unlocked yet’. Well go unlock it and stop playing an unrealistic ‘sexy female’ character… oh is this you being lazy? Hrmm maybe that’s why you can’t go for a jog either?

The powers at wow have gotten aboard on the PC train (not talking about your computer) so stopping the train takes miles of complaints or no stopping at all. I look at wow policies as “there’s nothing more useless than a train of thought that carries no freight” Wow doesn’t listen to the majority so I don’t see any freight being loaded.

That’s actually a valid excuse, most allied race generally have less population than races that available at the start.

Yeah its the usual PC over-correction , just like this country’s been doing for a while now with the whole BLM/LGBTQ topics – over correcting. The irony is the over correction comes off hypocritical.

The world is crazy. How our species will survive to another century even would amaze me at the rate we are going constantly trying to control or attack everyone over EVERY. SINGLE. THING.


Lol is just a game, its not like they are taking something personal from you

People would find air offensive nowadays.


now now, these people don’t have anything else in their lives to overreact about. let them have this one

Last time i checked, this game is rated Teen. Why are they censoring things. The game is already really conservative if you compare it to other games on the market.

Last i heard, the problem was with the work environment at Blizzard and not the game.


Funny thing is if some are thinking this will make nice respectable young gentleman and women (I’ve worked with females who whipped out jokes/comments that me go…I never heard that one before truly, impressive that)…yeah…about that.

My son still in the talk with dad and mom phase was telling me all the big kids on his bus were making lots of male organ jokes. This the first day of school and on the bus.

See lots of kids learn there are things you don’t tell mommy and daddy. I know when home with mom and dad they aren’t whipping out these jokes.

Little Angles with the parents not so angel-ey away from the parents. A little game many parents seem to forget they played when younger lol.

I didn’t.

sadly, they don’t necessarily respect women, in fact, given their program designing, they don’t really respect much about any of their player base. they just want you to “think” they’re trying to show respect for women, etc. they don’t care, and it’s not just about women; it’s about women and gays and the blizz workers and their player base. they’re just trying to slip another one over on all of us…again…like before and before that and before even that. lazy, drunk programming plus a rock star complex has disrespected us all…even the devs themselves…such an awful lack of self respect and integrity. it’s like they just gave in and allowed their 13 year-old selves to take over…in a very bad way.

I agree. I will also say that it is amazing how many folks seem to have differing opinions on this subject. We seriously have people who are like, yah, the reclining woman being replaced with a bowl of fruit. This is a great change. I am just cynical. I do not exactly celebrate changes that are, quite frankly, pointless.

I mean, woman have boobs. It is part of their anatomy. Some are big and some are small for some reason. Nothing wrong with a painting depicting the beauty arc of a woman. Doesn’t matter who referenced either. A girl could have added the reclining nude woman to the game, and i still would of had the same opinion. My question, to those with the opposing opinions, why is it only till just now with recent events that you even care or have an opinion about the changing and removing of all these things? Why wasn’t it relevant to you earlier? In my eyes, it either always offended you from day one, or you are just using this as an excuse to boost your own ego, and push your own agenda. I mean, you said nothing the day these objects were added to the game, so you cannot say anything about removing or altering them in the beginning, so you cannot say anything about removing or altering them now either.


If you haven’t figured it out from my other replies oh intellectually blessed one that post was sarcasm.

This, people need to learn to chill out and have fun.

Just a game, just a emote, just a name change, just a transmog removal, just a breast reduction, just an elimination of gender…


No better way to ‘respect women’ than to replace them in a video game with men.


Gender is a social construct.

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Met Gala? LOL.

This is something that the French elite that were eventually deemed traitors wouldn’t dream of.

An elite gathering that costs 30k just for a ticket where the celebs can show off to the lower class “peons” how liberal and elegant they are.

While wearing some 40 thousand dollar dress that they will only wear once. While the peons have to wear facemasks but they don’t.

Lmao. If you are supporting Met Gala you deserve to be looked down upon like these elitist celebs do to everyday folk.


And sex is a scientific construct. So. What is your point?

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So is law.

Though I hear in same parts of states they’ve gotten bored with them and gave them up.

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BINGO, this is where we are headed and it is scary.

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