As a female player....oof

Nobody is requesting these things. Blizzard is doing them on their own, basically as a reflection of their continuing cluelessness about the playerbase, not because of anything “the masses” have demanded.

Compare what’s been censored to what you see on IG. It’s like real life is more of a fantasy that a “fantasy” computer game.

Can we have a World of Warcraft: Iran Edition?

All woman are completely covered and cannot use any mount. Level 70 revolutionary guards patrol everywhere in the world enforcing those rules, females caught breaking them receive beatings, lose 10% of their gold and their game world will be reduced to a small jail cell for one week.

People who want to change what players wear and see in the current version can play that.

Wouldn’t matter. They’d just play your game instead and complain about it endlessly until they got it changed.

It’s not about the end result. It’s about the chip on their shoulder that they’ll never be normal and so want to ruin the world of normies. They get their kicks doing such things. That’s where get woke go broke came from. They don’t make up the market share of lost customers once they get what they want. They just move on to the next sympathetic company.

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Wrong. People are just deaf to anything else but their own posts on forums.

well said, imho, super annoying too. When was the response to bigotry against race+gender “remove more women and minorities”?.. fruit…

i think at blizzcon the cosplayers on stage should speak up against it while they got the spotlight and be the next blitzchung its stupid to have double standards because irl literally ppl are gonig aronud with their cheeks hanging out of thong shorts KIDS and adults alike, heck even in schools students are forcing the school to allow them to dress liek that in school yet someone has a problem with a virtual fantasy world having revealing stuff because its “rated T” ok so take a dam look at your own T ppl irl because if u allow that to be acceptable irl then its all hypocrisy to says its inappropriate in a fantasy world


Maybe Blizzard could update the handful of sexy transmogs so many players enjoy instead of acting like a bunch of radical prudes.

gen x shares some blame. Our generation along with the last boomers raised kids and tried to be pals with them instead of rigid parents.

Told these kids they were special and rigged every game so they couldn’t lose. It’s no wonder generation participation trophy is entitled, throws fits when challenged and only gets info from echo chambers.

Please as one Female to Another- Let all that Hot Air out of your system your Face is getting Puffy as are your words.

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I put 2 years of hard work into mine and maintain it with regular exercise and a proper diet, why should I cover it up because someone who is lazy and eats crap thinks what I have is ‘unrealistic’?


well you’re playing a night elf instead of a kul tiran or a dwarf. Why is that?

well Sylvanas covered up her midriff and it got +5000 attack power based on your backwards opinion

ah yes, we exist to cater to your each and every whim when it comes to our value as individuals. Because you and those like you know what is best for all of us.

It’s not that no one said anything about the majority of what is being changed/removed now, its that the dev’s didn’t care, have a reason, or didn’t have the leeway to change things like this until now. I’ve not seen anything other then the things named after devs that is new to being pointed out as being an ist.

The thing is that now that this stuff is being actively changed people are pointing these out again, and it is being changed now because blizzard has a reason.

you just revealed the DEVs biggest secret to nerfing stuff!

if just one person doesn’t like it, it gets removed. I suspect the DEVs are huge fans of Star Trek >> " Spock says, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Captain Kirk answers, “Or the one.” "

the ONE is … /shakes head

Kul Tiran needs to be unlocked and dwarf can’t be druid,


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You know i’m right and you have nothing to answer me with, that emoji is a proof of your L.

Worgen can be druid though so you are wrong.


Sorry but I had a few big strong Orc and Tauren ladies flirting with me in Korthia earlier today and didn’t care I was a Blood Elf.

Silly Elf, they were looking at the amount of gold you have and wanted you to spend it all on them. Elves do carry more gold on them more than any other Horde race.

Now hold still, I need to put this poop mask on you, it’ll give you really smooth and soft skin.