As a female player....oof

Nostalgia only serves one purpose, unite us to our authentic selves so as to remind us of who we may have been as individuals in our past and compare it to who we have become in the present. Anyone that actually wants and attempts to go in the reverse may very well have some psychological disorder represented from their own feelings of isolation, fragmented social contact, etc. This is the impression i gain from certain people that always seem to want our social progress to go backwards. I feel for them but i’m done falling for their ignorance and in some cases, troll bait.

how can ya resist. hehe

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He still shot first too.

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Our social progress has already gone backwards, what are you talking about? We literally live in a time that parallels the religious inquisitions of the dark ages. People metaphorically tar and feather people they don’t feel are morally pure. People have completely forgotten people have their own opinions and to respect that.

Our technological progress has definitely picked up substantially, but at what cost exactly? Socially we behave like we belong in the medieval times.

I quoted a tv show awhile back, so i’ll quote it again. “You give a monkey a stick, inevitably he’ll beat another monkey to death with it.” Take from that what you will about our social behavior at any point in history, even today.

That’s also very true. If they had any semblance of explanation as to why they changed the images, then I would be more understanding. But, until then, it’s just lousy cover-up for the dangerous work environment that they have/had.

You can just look at how people have changed in the last decade. Political opinions are leading to outright brawls in streets, people are setting up autonomous zones, people get unpersoned like some Stalin-era crap over a terrible joke they told in 2009 on Twitter. At least in the early 2000s someone felt different politically and it was like “Okay, you’re a moron.” They didn’t try to get you fired from your job.

I’d definitely say the 80s while not inherently better, definitely had the social cohesion down a lot more than we do now. I do not think I would have had my former classmates show up at my doorstep and threaten to burn my house down based on who I voted for last election in the 80s, but I definitely had it in 2020.


Just like that quote says, eventually, people will try to beat others to death even proverbially speaking once they’ve been given a stick because some people don’t know any better. That social behavior has been a part of our species since it first began. Better minds have tried to find resolutions for it but i’d say we still have several thousand more years to go before we evolve away from it and even then it will still likely be a problem to a relative extent.

Yes, but what I’m saying is we largely evolved past that except in lesser developed intellectually regions of the world that still live in the Dark Ages. Since the internet everywhere has rubberbanded backwards in that behavior and gone back to monkey.

Hell just look at the fact adulthood seems to begin at 30 now. Most 20 year olds are manchildren.

Showing the devil’s ankle shame shame. It really is terrifying what’s been happening lately.

Do you work professionally in an art or design capacity or do you mean as a hobby you occasionally draw?

? Or just add a dude’s pic in the exact same style next to the lady can even have on harem pants. It’s certainly better than turning women into a bowl of fruit.

Also I work as a designer I absolutely do drawings and paintings that aren’t strictly in my medium because they expand your way of thinking and sometimes you can still use parts of them even if they aren’t in their original form.

Argumentum ad Absurdum. These changes are clearly influenced by the recent revelations and being changed owing to pressure - from players, from lawyers (unless they quit). Classic definition of contrite self censorship…

The changes are not natural, holistic nor do they work.

I’m actually curious how people would react if they changed the “naked” on women characters to basically tank tops/briefs instead of what we currently have.

I would say totally exaggerated when it comes to showing very, very tight attire such as the use of Spandex.

The same thing that happened in your versions of Zero Suit Samus in SMB in the case of looking sexy with those pajamas, knowing that the true sensuality when completing the game in less than 3 hours, will always be the black bikini in Super Metroid, one of the best SNES games.

It is already totally exaggerated to declare it nonsense exhibitionism like knowing that you do not know if they are in pants or not.

That is why I have just told you that it is not advisable to change or alter a design that comes from a minority ethnic group or culture.

That is why Blizzard did its best to show a Succubus style appropriate to the game, more by a cartoon style than by a means that is suitable for the whole public, not like the Succubus were in Diablo 2 or in the case of Castlevania Symphony of the Night that was totally naked.

no thanks to Blizzard, it doesn’t need to be a single fruit when you’re just a portrait of many fruits in a container.

Time to make fruit salad.

A bit counterproductive! LOL!
Though I’ve played WoW since 05, I’ve never considered myself a member of, “blizziod’s
community”. Nor, do I care about blizziod opinions on anything.

As for your, “fem rights” comments, whatever.

You’re right that the changes is not natural, but it’s still a positive change nonetheless.

A positive change? Clearly not in the view of everyone. For me, they do nothing to address the issues in the game (both for me as a client and as a woman). Therefore they are, at best neutral and, at worst negative incompetence.

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The likes in this post show how things are now.

You are justified to oppress people into doing things “the masses” deem right.

Once, all that people think is “wrong” was brought to the state it was because of the SAME reason.

People might hide it from you, but the puritanism that invaded each society along the old World came into being in response of the over the top kinds of things that existed then.

The things that we have today and these people are fighting to change are the things changed because the “opposite faction” had their way before.

And while the “mob rule” is the kind of rule people want, we will be like this, bouncing to one extreme to another, because people only see something is too much when it is really way too much.

To know how it goes, there are a myriad of documentaries in YouTube, even from NaGeo, about the kinds of things that happened before “the Romans” and “with the Romans” that show all that we have today that people say “is oppressive” being the “mob rule” of the time over the opposite over the top “mob rule” that came before.

You just tools of it.

I mean duh? no one will ever agree on the same thing.