As a female player....oof

Not to mention the fact that Garrosh is a raging, hellish monster and Sylvanas is literally undead so she probably didn’t give a SHOOT about what he had to say about her.

Case in point? She still disobeyed him and plagued Gilneas. What an awesome storyline. Cataclysm had some seriously cool, realistic questlines.

this is an assumption and that is what people are getting themselves all in an uproar about

they market this game worldwide, some areas have standards or do you think they should just stop selling the game in those countries because some people in US think no adjustments should ever be made.

yes, yes the sky is falling.

this is just the beginning.

yeah well, they can do whatever they want with THEIR game. I can decide to play it or not

Completely agree!

One of my favorite aspects of the questline changes in Cataclysm was how they weave the lore between the Horde and Alliance questlines. By questing with both Horde and Alliance toons, you can get the full story rather than just part of it.

This is particularly evident in Legion. So much angst over the pre-launch cinematic because people only saw their preferred faction’s side of the story. Watch both cinematics if you want to know what really happened. :slight_smile:

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Relative to all the other changes with the heated debate about “bro” culture, or whatever, but sure. I see the uproar, and it’s probably justified when the rest of the game has been failing. Changing paintings versus making WoW a better game? Take your pick.

It’s also women, and men, arguing that women should be allowed to be sexy and show off their skin.

Countries have standards, yes, but Overwatch has also, generally, been marketed worldwide. I don’t think China was sitting there, saying the themselves; “WoW is an awful, horrific game but we’ll still let Blizzard sell their game here. Only if they cover up Sylvanas’s stomach. Tyrande and her cleavage? That can stay.”

I don’t really know their marketing strategies for the sake of other countries. I only know that they seem to be shifting their strategies for the West in a negative way.

thats where you learn as an alliance player that blizz’s been dissin’ ya to the horde. hehe

they arent doing this for china.

lol - blizzard never changed those paintings as a substitute for content.

so they claim

it must be terrible to be so addicted to this game, you can’t even think of just quitting it if you don’t like it.

Don’t you just love regressive mindsets? It’s like some people want society to go in the reverse back to a different time where people had fewer freedoms just because of their gender or race. When you try to explain that to such people in a simple manner that even the most uneducated could understand, they just keep reinforcing their own narrow views as an act of defense against any logic that could potentially alter said views for the better. I admire your attempt but some people on this forum you just can’t reach and you’re talking to one of them, it’s why they’re on my ignore list. I made a similar attempt and recognized that fact rather quick. You will gain nothing from that interaction but a headache. :neutral_face:


That’s besides the point. It’s time, energy, even 10 seconds that goes wasted. Regardless, it doesn’t address any problems with the game. You don’t seem to understand that.

Whoever ‘they’ is…

Yes and no, it wasn’t a direct substitute in that we’d lose a raid tier but it definitely came at the cost of content. Simply put, developing content to make the game more enjoyable takes time, resources, and effort. Wedging in a change to change a few pictures, make a random character gay/trans, or making a woke tweet are significantly less effort, a lot less risky, and get about the same result when it comes to sheep.

Why do you think after everything dropped the running gag was guessing which Overwatch character was getting announced as gay? Because that’s what Blizzard has been doing whenever they get into a scandal of some variety is virtue signal to look like they care about solving the problem and just letting people’s frustration die out.

If I was a type that anxiously bites their fingernails over whether there’s enough LGBT representation in the game I’d be livid at the idea representation only happens when it’s a convenient get out of jail free card for Blizzard and not done with sincerity. However, the people who generally worry way too much about those things are dumb enough to let Blizzard skate because muh representation. Then because it worked once, they’ll do it again, and again, and again until it quits yielding the desired result.

lol, it did not come at the cost of content. they have lots of people working on lots of areas of the game, the people developing content aren’t taking time to go off and change a picture

anyway time to put this thread on mute - it is just too surreal for me with all the speculation and assumptions.

The real issue is that it doesn’t address any problems within their company as far as the ill behavior towards women that they’re being sued for. I’ve said it before, it’s just pandering to a bunch of buffoons on sites like twitter and even here on the forums to keep them distracted under the hope they’ll remain subbed. Money, that’s the only motivation that is really behind all these ridiculous changes. Reminds me of some of those gillette commercials from about a year or so back that really pissed their customer base off and even people that weren’t part of their customer base. Idiocy like that only ever serves to achieve the exact opposite.

now THAT is an interesting response. very interesting.

Found the person who clearly has not been playing this game for any meaningful duration of time. This ALWAYS has happened with Blizzard. Or are you just so intellectually inept you don’t notice how conveniently coincidental the trend of “Oh, Blizzard under fire for something” and the immediate virtue signaling following has lined up when you consider dates?


I agree.

occassionally, i wanna go back to 1980s. so many great movies and music, and not all our infrastructure had been sold off to highest bidders yet. but sadly, less medical breakthrus, fewer rights for lbtq and no internet.

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Yes, but you also have less narcissists with god complexes waging countless morality inquisitions. I’d take all of the bad just to be rid of that one thing.

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