As a female player....oof

They want to posture and virtue signal because the pressure is on. If they really want to up the ante they could change the game rating to “E”.

World of Warcraft is rated T (Teen) by the ESRB for blood and gore, crude humor, mild language, suggestive themes, and use of alcohol and violence


no it isn’t - if I am wearing a bikini and I put a coat on, that is me just changing what I am wearing. I don’t believe they are responding to external pressure to change those things, overwatch did this process years ago already.

That’s not true at all. Nude studies are incredibly important to developing a good understanding of the human body and a reclining nude is a very common form of that. Should have just added a reclining nude of a dude next to it instead they quite literally turned a woman into fruit.


I’m also a female player & I don’t care as much about sexy female characters, as long as they’re well-written.

What I have a problem with is the fact that 99% of the male characters are double-bagger (2nd bag on head, in case the first one rips) dudes.

“Oh look! Another hideous Beef Steakface… how original & interesting…” Zzz…

And another are so few attractive male faces - that aren’t effeminate like most of the BE/VE faces are. And there are no good options for several races, particularly humans.
(I’ve tried & I just can’t make a decent-looking male human.)

Most of my characters are male with a few joke female characters, because I can’t make anything that doesn’t look like a joke or a bimbo, so I’d rather play a male character that’s reasonably attractive.

…you are wrong.

And I think you are not interested in what happens or what I explain to you because surely you are discriminating against me.

Because i’m man…

But your changes are due to your censorship in your games, and there is no more ridiculous change than to censor itself.

even more than that among a new nonsensical Puritanism.

They are nothing but stupid who are condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Tastes for which, but at the same time you would also respect women whose skin or outlift takes a limited skimpy because they actually like it.

And I’m not saying for myself or for my own benefit, I say because everyone has the right to interact in these MMOs or virtual worlds, and censorship as a change is not right for the community and the game itself.

nor even if it is for a positive change this censorship and worse that it is not as an example for other companies, is it only for a ridiculous hypocritical ideology in that country that would only retract as a ridiculous ignorant.

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So you wanted it made into a prn type picture instead?

Artists have a wide wide variety of medium to use now and you have an extremely narrow view of who ‘artists’ are if you think they do studies of that type of thing. There is absolutely no need to do studies of that nature if you have no interest in doing paintings of that nature.

Blizzard is the new taliban. How long before all female toons are dressed in burkas?


or removed entirely since their existence is problematic

university art classes often have their students do nude studies, so you understand human anatomy, how muscles/tendons shape around bones. they’d even have someone come in who poses nude and the whole class attempts to paint it, on canvas, with actual paints. or sketch it in pencil and attempt to sculpture it in clay.


you’re right, apart from making a public content, the game wanted to make more caricature. I just need something more style, the Skimpys armors would not become a nude version like a second life MMO with too much eroticism or some hacker who has absolutely nothing to humiliate us. That would come to a bad context in the detail of the MMO’s game a great sin beyond of the lust(gender lock) in MMO’s games, not like the harsh reality and violence that was seen in Diablo 1, but something that is free to give details in our characters as well as different styles that we do not adapt to the game in the culture pop and geek that we meet in many fantasies of this type.

What makes me wonder is this. How would people’s perspective be if they Blizzard did this without the whole allegation going on? What if they just removed them without saying anything or people noticing? Would people still be as upset as they are today about this?

If not, then I think people are more upset that they are doing this due to the allegation than just doing it based on their own belief of wanting to change the game and remove those references now because they feel it may make the game better for the community.

i dont think there’s any world in which a western audience would be happy with removing succubi, covering jaina’s cleavage, covering another lady’s cleavage and turning a reclining female in an i dream of jeannie outfit, into a bowl of fruit.


Overwatch is an awful example to use when discussing sexy characters.

Take a look at what some of the heroes in Overwatch wear; the skin tight suits that literally show full on :peach:.

Almost - ALMOST - everyone in Overwatch is hot, and that’s just fine.

That’s a broad statement to make. Are you an artist? I actually went to school for art, ironically, and we drew many nude portraits. We had multiple models, mostly women, come in for us to draw nude portraits of them.

It was actually quite impressive how difficult it is to draw a human figure, particularly in clothing, but the small differences in each human body is extensive. The dictation of this sort of artwork shouldn’t be present in a video game, but we all have to bear in mind that the original pieces, the reclining lady, was a mock piece of a real piece of art.

If we really want to get down to business and bathe in the details, then why didn’t that woman originally tell the artist not to draw her posing like that?





  1. a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.

A succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death. In modern representations, a succubus is often depicted as a beautiful seductress or enchantress.

-Per Wikipedia, but didn’t want to post a whole, giant link.

The succubus also has roots within Buddhist and Arabic culture, not just Western religious culture. It also isn’t just a random demon that some men came up with for video games.

So before anyone continues to criticize the succubus, recognize that it’s a mythological creature originally.

This, so much… THIS.

All these so-called “progressive” ideas and instead we resort to eliminating what culture we do have.

When I was in High School, “free the nipple” was a huge thing, for some reason. And now we want to cover up even more? Huh… Progressive ideas seem to shift in narrative as time goes on.

Next election, we’ll have a candidate calling for burkas and people will actually support it. :roll_eyes:


yes I know university classes do that but I would guess most artists now don’t go to university to study art.

I’m a woman who has been playing this game since mid Lich King. When I first encountered the infamous exchange between Garrosh and Sylvanas, I laughed my head off. I thought it was one of the most honest conversations between two NPCs I’ve ever seen in the game. It was completely authentic to both Garrosh’s and Sylvanas’ personalities, and added a lot of realism to the entire questline.

I did not find it offensive in the least and was sad to see it removed in the name of a misdirected effort to make the game seem less “biased”.


i saw a video of a lady in britain, wearing a skirt past her knees, a shirt up to her collarbones and long sleeves, who was informed she was dressed seductively so she could manipulate men. i kid you not.

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exactly - so many people in this thread ‘outraged’ about this are moaning about blizzard trying to defeminize the females characters and hide the female form and rot like that. You don’t need naked to be sexy.

yes I am an artist. I didn’t go to school though, so does that make me less of an artist? I am doubtful.

this is one of the people I mentioned previously.

I’m a real peach.

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This is true, but the lady in the painting isn’t naked, either. In fact, the only thing she’s really showing is her stomach. The other photo is, simply, cleavage. I don’t anticipate that Blizzard is going to start covering up their Overwatch characters, but the paintings are just the start for team 2. The WoW dev team seems to have a relatively inconsistent thought process about sexy characters.

Sylvanas needed her belly covered up, but Jaina’s outfit, arguably, became sexier with her newest model (even though she has more clothes on), and Tyrande has her thighs and cleavage hanging out like it’s nothing.

It’s true that you don’t need to be naked to be sexy, but that still doesn’t explain the bowl of fruit or the horrific recreation of the woman in the dress painting. Both are awful, even the old iterations, but the art isn’t exactly stellar.

No, but I was just asking if you consider yourself to be an artist. That’s fine. I didn’t intend to go to school for it, but I found myself taking more art classes and simply decided to stick with it. I haven’t drawn in a long time, though. Ever since I finished college, I’ve been working a totally different career, so I don’t consider myself to be much of an artist. I simply took classes and learned a lot about the history of artwork and modern day art.

Yes, I know. I was agreeing with her. I tagged a few people in my post.

just so you know, our culture is melding with cultures who do not appreciate female body parts being viewable in any degree, anywhere but the bedroom. this will not stop with covering cleavage. it will not stop till our female relatives, female friends and females in general are invisible.