As a female player....oof

well science has proven that humans have basic requirements for survival of the species and procreation is in the top ten. thats as fundamental as you’re gonna get. it goes along with food and shelter. you wouldnt be here if your parents didnt find each other’s sexual market value sufficient.

so 62 year old women should hate anything created by men?

oh so now it is only in the top ten instead of the world being centered on sex.

No, what most likely happens is that you’ve been socially engineered by patriarchal society back in your days and you fear the positive change that the current generation would bring to women’s rights.

We have moved way past that era, women don’t have to be in the kitchen anymore, and their value is so much more than being sex object now. If you really care about women’s progress, you should support modern feminism.

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well i think food is no. 1, followed by shelter/safety, followed by health and here is where the others pay off - continuation of the species

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well if you would have said in top ten in the first place, I wouldn’t have disputed things.

i dunno. when liberation was popularized, it was all the rage to throw away/burn the bra and dance naked at woodstock, because prior to that, women were expected to be modestly attired at all times. so we appear to be going back to modest attire

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It’s called regression. Oppression and control.

Maybe you should look up what the current generation wants, because it is not fitting with your narrative.

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? We are fighting male oppression and control right now, who do you think the oppressor is?

i’m very prudish, generally speaking. i prefer to be modestly dressed because i’m not on the market. i also prefer others be given the option. wanna be modest? no problem. want to market yourself? no problem. thats freedom


wanna fight the man? okay relinquish your personal freedoms. haha. its backwards.

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Imagine writing all of this over video game transmog and NPC (That are made by men).

hmm… really i don’t think about are you told me…

because here it is not at all questionable, it is simply censorship, and it is seen from miles away that Blizzard is not acting positively in any community in and out of the game.

In fact worse than that, instead of blaming those responsible, it only seeks to take responsibility for what they have done, without us having done anything.

Besides, he only comes to protect his own integrity, and his own image, especially the image of Bob.

Here your measures have nothing to do with seeking to respect women and especially if she is in the gaming community itself.

And to top it all they harass and offend the woman again about how she has to be dressed.

Totally puritanism in its purest essence.

that is true and much greater when it comes to referring to a fantasy game in a virtual world where we can do almost what we could do whatever we want without any prejudice.

something in which we all want to get out of reality when playing a video game without restriction and obligation to obey absurd ideologies.

in fact you are wrong and it would even be your oppressive and discriminating response about thinking that it is really all because of the male ego.

In reality, the succubus comes from popular mythologies and cultures that, while censoring, are disrespecting those cultures and ethnic groups where their legends mostly come from.

Because actually a beautiful, and NAKED woman who comes into men’s nightmares and feeds on her dreams was a fundamental part of the bestiary of demon types know in the world.

And the fact of seeing a Succubus in bikinis :bikini: without being a thong (as it was in Diablo 1) at least give yourself the luxury that Blizzard censored almost most of the original style (and nothing to do with Morrigan from Darkstalkers series) to a more general public. and without the censorship losing the originality of the legend coming in many ethnic groups and beliefs.

Therefore censoring this character more is like any creeper in the game and incidentally loses the identity of what this type of demon is and that’s legend in ours cultures.

You sound so creepy, you sure you’re not a cube crawler?

And i said WOW succubus, and yes, WOW succubus were made by men.

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i see, english isn’t your first language

IT IS blizzard’s game - there is no censorship because they are making the changes themselves.

The mindset is that a reclining nude is a classic pose that almost every artist will do at least once.


The people who are trying to force women to dress like they live under Taliban rule come to mind.


that is just not true - very few artists are going to do reclining nudes in fact.

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Very few artists are capable of doing it.

Self censorship is indeed still censorship if - I say IF - the changes are either responding to external pressure, or fear of it.

Well… Look at that then.