As a female player....oof

correct, if only male chars have sexual market value, we ladies lose as members of the species because sex makes the world go round.

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it took the world decades probably even centuries before women were treated as something other than sexual objects and it appears you want to revert back to that.

so ladies need to be covered because men like the way we look? wow we are screwed.


we aren’t going to agree because I have no idea what culture you come from but it sure the heck is different from mine

you can’t even seem to understand what I am saying because you have this as a basis of your world view


the species is procreative. the success of procreation is based on sexual market value - et. al, is she healthy looking/is he healthy looking, does she look like she could successfully bare healthy offspring/does he look like he would contribute to making and supporting healthy offspring. that’s at the base level, and as the supply of viable partners increases, the value is nuanced by income/religion/compatability/symmetrical features, etc

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Reality - people don’t spend all their time thinking about sex unless maybe you are a ‘sex’ worker.

There are many thing you can do like supporting non-toxic masculinity men and not enabling male gaze.

For example, WOW succubus in this case is not a real women, it’s an NPC created by men to satisfy other men, so it is safe to advocate for their removal.

its strongly linked with survival of the species, so its at least as important as food and shelter. it explains much of why we do what we do.

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and if women like it too (i personally don’t but there are ladies who do), they are outta luck cause only what men like, is important

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If they like it, who cares? Nobody would quit over an NPC made by men being removed from this game.

why’s it matter if its made by men if people of all gender types, like it?

At this point it’s doing more harm than good, Hearthstone has removed them, and Overwatch has proven that we don’t need skimpy women to sell video games.

Let’s be real nobody would care if they’re replaced with other demon with similar abilities.

you have reduced us to animals, not a thing more

i would care, not because i personally enjoy it (cause i dont) but because erasing females because they have sexual market value, is too much like criticizing female sexuality via the excuse that men like it.

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you are a mammal.


I am more than a mammal - you may be just a mammal though because it appears all you think about is sex.

i’m actually a 62 year old mother of three and wife of one. since my breast cancer and subsequent masectomy which put me in early menopause, i have lost interest in sex, generally speaking. i am just worried about the future. i appreciate art/symmetry/beauty but it doesnt result in me being titillated. its soothing.

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so your thinking the world revolves around sex came earlier - I never thought the world revolved around sex.

and actually you are contradicting yourself if all of a sudden art/symmetry/and beauty is important.

Then start acting like one.

I am guessing there is a culture difference there.