As a female player....oof

My original character name was Revanche, your guild name brings back a lot of memories for me, all good ones!

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Sorry I like big strong orcs especially Mag’har orcs. If he can cook and hunt well he’s definitely a keeper. I like it when Alliance are killed in my honor.

Your a soft, squishy, skinny elf who reeks of flower scents. I can help you fix that.

ties Sendalor to a chair

I’m going to make you as big as a Kul’tiran, open wide,

sticks a wide funnel in Sendalors mouth

Don’t forget to chew and swallow shake your head if you need water.

pours pork brisket into the funnel

After we meet your weight goal, we can do something about that awful sweet freshly smell. A poop bath would do the trick, why do you think us orcs have smooth skin.

In my experience, and it is vast, this usually applies to older women and younger women not so much.


Everyone has an opinion though, and yours, yes I am speaking directly to the person I am quoting, is pretty over generalized. Perhaps you’re just trying to make a point, and if that is the case, best you let the matter drop before you look any worse than you already do. If this is truly what you believe . . .

Semper Fi! :us:

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Wow I’m surprised you aren’t playing a paladin coming to the defense of anyone claiming to be a woman online without offering anything is substance, try harder.

You forget Blizzard motto. Go big or go home when effecting changes. It seem they love a hammer the size of Texas. He he my home state.

Listen I am a woman, have been my whole life. You questioning that again makes me so angry, now you are coming after my sex for merely asking you why not use the tools available? Remember all I said was this and you called me an incel:

By your standards why should I believe anything out of your mouth either? Evilbadguy fits you along with all the other names you use to label others. This is the stuff I hate in this game the personalities like yours. You are a downer as a whole and your attacks are getting weak. Feel free to add me Melanie#3450 on discord, you can hear my lady voice and prove yourself wrong, but let’s be real here, every one of you that think I am otherwise never add me. You’d be confronted with facts and your kind can’t digest that.

So want to passively aggressively carry on labeling me in other threads? Or you going to talk to me. Ball’s in your court. I foresee a new alt popping soon!


Neat, another baseless personal attack, this time directed at me. If that touched a nerve that bad and that fast, seems my assessment was :100: spot on. Would you like to embarrass yourself further? I don’t even have to say anything at this point, you’re doing it all on your own. And for the record, i don’t give a flying hoot if an individual is male, female or self identifies as a rainbow attack helicopter. Anyone that wants to base their entire argument around race or gender doesn’t have much of an argument to speak of. You are one of the obtuse trolls you were whining about. You’ve just proven that several times via your own interaction thus far. My advice to you, which i know you aren’t going to take, is to put your computer in a dark corner of a closet and go learn how to better socialize with people cause you quite obviously do not play well with others with that bad of an attitude.


Wasn’t just that. they were just…bad.

The patching they put in quarterly that broke stuff got old. On PC it broke script editor every time they released.

Which if bought some like I did, looked at the .esm’s had you go why? Nothing in patch notes or the .esm’s showed why stuff broke. I ahve found random mods from even new authors to be more stable all in all.

And some of the CC creators their work was no where near as good as their independent work. I ran more fix mods to fix their CC content I tried to give it fair shake than I had to on their free stuff lol.

Now there were some decent gems their. Unless you like adding several mods to make Skyrim survival play work…that survival content was nice.

I got it for the limited time free pull but I’d have paid for it if not the case even. A frostfall with campfire load in in your order…after you tack on patches for it just adds up to a crap ton of mods really. Survival with like 1 patch for hunterborne/scrimshaw…took several mods to 2. Nice that, imo.

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Im sure it is, rent free inside your head.

Well either way, this is microtransactions in a single-player game. That’s already bad enough for me.

Ugh, don’t even get me started on games that update but break mods. :nauseated_face:

To the credit of Bethesda, their incompetence does allow us to play without updates, either that or F4SE bypasses Steam’s thing. Idk.

Well again, this is Bethesda were talking about. They will ALWAYS find a way to break something. :crazy_face:

Not to sound tinfoily, but maybe these mods aren’t designed by the CC creators at all but Bethesda. :thinking:

Putting that aside, while mods being broken is a bit common in the modding world (infact it’s kind of expected), it does look bad on Bethesda’s part for letting these mods go in unfixed, since they are the vetters, looking after what goes on Creation Club.

Feel free to give your subjective opinion on that, but it is an actual thing, regardless how much you want to deny it or gaslight me. :point_down:

If you’re implying it’s not real, then you’re also admitting that toxic masculinity isn’t real either. It’s not just one side hates as you think, because hatred breeds hatred regardless of what it is. Much like how racism towards whites will breed more racism, possibly to people of color. And vice versa of coarse. It’s disingenuous for you (Especially you, taking a quick gander of your post history…) to say toxic feminism it doesn’t exist, (A normal feminist, and i do mean normal, isn’t a bigot to anybody, because they know and understand that will undermine their position to the core) since you’re kind of actively contributing to it.

Also, you might want to stop spreading misinformation, because as i said before, claims asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. And right now, without you sourcing your claims, even going so far to blatantly ignore me when i asked you to source them, you are pretty much telling outright lies.


you see the result of hypocrisy.

I’m not saying that’s positive, but as adults we shouldn’t worry about controversy and tolerate it as it is because it only happens in entertainment and every day that never happens in real life is appreciated.

Apart from the tragedy and controversy (for generalizing everything in this way what wants to censor the inappropriate) a part of an entertainment source makes us more attentive to the work so it is clear to know why women are attentive to a soap Opera.

I do not know in what sense it would be to represent the hypocrisy of this hated actress with Amber Heart

As anime figure, or action figure you may be right, but in the end within a sculpture it will always be a masterpiece and pointing out that it is inappropriate is denigrating and even offending it.

That happens because it is the reason that their censures are so ridiculous and so pathetic that it is only their own image of Blizzard and that of Bob in which they care to defend, it was never towards women, and because of this state they have never thought about them .

And on your news, Kotaku might try Blizzard on that.

But now having a good line on Women Lords in their video games has something like…

simple, have they done better in a lore? no… they just made it worse and made fun of it even more.

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There are two sides to every coin. There’s so much nude art in the world that’s beautiful for artistic purposes. Faces of underwear stores that don’t have to be inherently sexual. They could’ve gone ahead with their internal changes without going back on history and writing over it.

“Cover up” they’ll tell some. “You should show more skin” they’ll tell others. Over-sexualizing powerful female characters is just so commonly overdone. Making them powerful, sexy, and crazy is basically Blizzard writing women every time we get one leading something, which is why all of this seems so frustrating.
Jaina, Yrel, Tyrande are three I can name off the top of my head.

Anyone can be sexy in their own right, and they don’t need to be fully covered from head to toe to be that, but once we start dipping our toes into “well just censor this because it’s sexual” really does nothing for anyone, considering how much this blew up. The bowl of fruit thing… lmao.

But really, in the future they could consider implementing features to censor things like this, perhaps? I’m not sure what it’d take, but blurring words in dialogue or something as a toggle? I mean, we’re playing a fantasy game with murder, gore, cursing, and all kinds of themes like that one club in Boralus… so… I dunno. If they stop at the random old pictures in old places, sure, but if they decide to start covering up characters just because, and removing the choice, that’ll really be annoying. I’ll just cross my fingers that this is them trying to update old stuff.

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it is almost like you are talking another language here - I can’t see how that has anything to do with what I said.

THERE WAS A MINDSET to begin with that decided to put those particular images in the game. IT is that mindset they are targeting. That Kotaku article and Metzen story, illustrates the thinking of the time that never changed until it was questioned.

Has nothing to do with censorship - has to do with questioning why in the first place.

The thing is though, they don’t want to respect women.
Read the investigation reports of what’s going on.
It’s absolutely horrendous.
They just want you yo think that they wanna repect women.


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They don’t want to pay those women 100s of millions of $$$ for that. I agree, the award settlements for these types of things are ridiculous. Nothing most of those women experienced should have them getting 1 million plus in damages.

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this makes sense till you realize what is being considered problematic is female body parts.


no what is problematic is that males decided they should use women that way

and seriously

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but the issue is, we have to lose our freedoms as women, to express or be expressed in skimpy attire because some people like the way we look in skimpy attire.

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no that isn’t the issue at all. this isn’t about women losing choices - it is about the choices men make about how women should look