As a female player....oof

Yeah you have literally zero clue about art. A reclining nude is far more demonstrative of skill than a still life bowl of fruit.

lol, skill and talent are two different things

I like the golden tattos. :slight_smile:

Now i just wish we have Lightforged Elves. :neutral_face:

It’s kinda funny to think that Blizzard is actually causing harassment towards women who play this game as your average incel neckbeard player probably blames anyone they find out is a women in-game for all of this and then proceeds to harass them.

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Nah men tend to agree with me when I tell them this offends me too. You thinking that men are blaming female players for this is a joke. I had a few cancel with me when I told them this was the end for me with the censorship.

Why do you think so many of these “incel neckbeards” exist? In 17 years I have maybe encountered 7. This past few weeks in the forums though? Hundreds, but lets be real it’s the same 8-10 people and all their classic alts.

And where’s your proof on that?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why do you care about that?

If somebody makes a great piece of art, Male, Female, or even if it’s a robot did it, then it’s a still great piece of art.

'Kay Griffin Gaming. /s :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, it’s an actual thing. You’re acting like it’s not real. (Unless you also believe toxic masculinity isn’t real too)


You must have gotten lucky then because Area52, Mal’ganas and Stormrage are full of them. Just go there and read trade chat.

Its typical stereotyping in an attempt to minimize the argument.

Why would I? If it was that offensive I’d server transfer or cancel. Also you are reading trade chat and taking it personally? You would have had a stroke in the Vanilla Barrens.

So you have means to remove yourself, but stayed why? Did you turn off trade or use the ignore feature? Or did you ignore all that and choose to perpetually offended?

Ah never mind I see you’re one of the very people I was thinking of ahah.

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Are you labeling a woman as one of those people now?

Yeah, I see the problem here, it’s not the community it’s you. I merely shared my opinions and the ways you could have stopped this and this is your response to me?

Are you suggesting a women can’t be an incel? That’s pretty sexist of you.

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Nah I think the one who uses the label generally fits it best.

So carry on!

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“No u” classic response from the very type of person I assumed you to be.

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You aren’t going to stop responding are you?

Sorry oh perpetually offended one, I won’t use your term because I have class. Carry on being Evilbadguy til they deem that offensive as well.

I’d say happy WoWing, but since players still have the ability to communicate, I doubt you will ever get there.

You might as well give up now Alakhai. The day a stray thought that doesn’t fit the narrative hits that brain will be the first…or its just a troll.


They are ruining my morning java, and that is day ending. :frowning:

Interesting that you doubt my communication skills yet also seem upset that I keep responding to you because of how communication works. It’s ok though I know incels have trouble with critical thinking skills.

As much i like free mods, i do believe they are owed a paycheck of sorts for all the hard work they’ve been putting in.

Yeah, Bethesda’s way just set it up to mimic or be like microtransactions, which kind of turned a lot of people off.

Bethesda bethesda’ed.

you: having bad time on specific servers and voices opinion about ill behavior

random person offers logical solutions to said problem

also you: doesn’t receive sympathy for X opinion/experience so engages in same ill behavior

You seem to be your own problem.