As a female player....oof

It’s not empowering or respectful to tell women how we should look and dress whether it be overly sexualizing or covering up.
Treat us like human beings who have a wide range of personalities with different standards of modestly. This includes how characters are written and portrayed.
If Blizz wants to change the culture of the game they need to police the negative and hateful attitudes towards women, especially in their workplace, not appearances.


You see i am pretty sure you changed the decoration of your private owned house/apartment. Therefore it is censorship. Because i feel it is.

These people wouldnt know what a dictator is even if he told them directly lmao.

So women can’t want to be sexy just for themselves and the sake of feeling attractive? It isn’t always just to attract the “male gaze.” You have an incredibly narrow view of things. You want to personally dictate what is “empowering” and how women should be, and its all according to your personal opinions. Maybe it isn’t even about empowerment at all to some women. People like different styles and they have every right to embrace that and do what they want, with or without your personal approval.


Offtop, just want to notice, that this is first time I see so many likes on topic starter)
Go go girl! (c)

If anyone thinks posing for a portrait like the reclining woman is empowering, whether it is the model or the viewer then they are misunderstanding the entire concept.

My question is why do you think the woman is posing for empowerment? I’ve done a few portraits in real life in similar poses to the reclining woman in the painting. I did not do it because it “empowered” me. I did it because it made me feel pretty. I did it for myself. It’s that simple.

Do I feel the constant need to dress or pose that way to feel pretty? NO. It was just one of the several ways. But empowering? Not in the least.

But to be honest, I don’t feel any need for empowerment. I think this entire idea of female empowerment is grossly misunderstood and taken so far out of context by men that they have no idea what they are talking about and are so far disconnected from a woman’s reasons for doing anything.

A man can pose for a painting holding his sword or battle axe high, pretending to be some super empowered ruler with grand illusions of prestige and power yet no one blinks an eye. A woman poses in alluring clothing and she is accused of seeking empowerment.

My point is, sometimes I enjoy wearing a revealing dress for the same reasons sometimes I enjoy wearing an oversized, long sleeve sweater and sweat pants. And neither has anything to do with empowerment.

edit- as a side note, I think the other side of the argument, the white elephant if you will, that no one is addressing is the fact that some men are so weak that they can succumb to this “empowered woman” simply because she shows some skin. That says more about the mentality of the man doesn’t it?


The majority of the artists for the movie/art/game back then were male.

There are and were female Fantasy Artists who did the same kind of art. Julie Bell for instance.


To give a real world example look at the 2020 Oscar Red carpet.
Some of the dresses are very tame, but others like Brie Larson, Charlize Theron, and Natalie Portman’s are far more daring…and I am sure they chose their own look.

Now say one of them had a painting made, and it was given to a friend?
Can you see where this goes from a roleplaying aspect…as opposed to your RL attire snobbery?


i am going to be honest here, i agree with a few youtubers that said:

“how is censoring stuff in games helping the women in the office?? it is the office rules and way of doing things that need to change not the games. players love sexiness in the games how in the H*** is sexiness affecting work in the office??? do the guys in the office have no self control?? is that is why you must censor sexiness in the game?? that is pathe***.”


First Blizzard HR shreds documents that could be used as evidence against them in court, now they are shredding in game portraits of women and turning them into bowls of fruit. What’s next.

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But bowls of fruit are dang sexy…LMFAO

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True, they do have their own section for being smashed by high heels on P Hub.

You go to be kidding me…ackkkkk ewwwww nasty…waste of good food.

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And yet Brie Larson’s hypocrisy shows a toxic feminism in which she shows this class of women, let’s say very conservative, such as the Blizzard censorship case.

that the conclusion of this case and the purpose of the victims is due to a supposed gamergate who wants to ruin the world of video games.

It happened to Ubisoft, it happened to EA, it happened to Square Enix itself and all of them did not have to do these ridiculous MEASURES that Blizzard is doing, they have continued to make games without any restriction to the content.

And it was Blizzard’s turn, and it did not learn anything from its rival video game companies, which can be the victim of activists in doing a supposed Gamergate style as they tried to do to the other companies through these scandals.

As long as it only looks like a pathetic paranoia to what I comment, we will only see time if the USA does not try to hide its secrets perfectly as everything.

I have there the hypocrisy of Blizzard not …

at least it’s no worse than the ridiculous censorship on Onlyfans.

Wait, I think now Blizzard is worse than that.

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That is so cringe, toxic feminism? :rofl:

Fully agree, I want all those Orc and Tauren ladies to be able to show off their big strong bodies anytime they want.

A person can dress however they want original artists work can be modified by the artist without pressure. What I’m not in favor of is censoring especially of original art that was a reference to art most consider a masterpiece and that the majority of young artists will create at least once. The human body is an amazing and beautiful thing and we seem to be going back to the time of the Council of Trent and putting fig leaves on top of genitalia for fear of it inspiring lustful thoughts. This neo puritan idiocy is a straight up plague. Add paintings or dudes similarly dressed for equality but don’t censor.



Same in the gamesmodding community. Some of the slootier mods for fallout and skyrim are made by female MA’s.

Which is interesting. Mod authors don’t really get a pay check for this. Bethesda did try the paid mods with creation club but yeah that is all but dead. Seems to exist to see who will pay for it at this point.

So there is no “pressure” to push out work not really what they want to do because it brings in the pay check.

They can hope someone hits that patreon. Unrealistic one word for this. I have given to select MA’s. Some whose work is core to my load order for years. Many mod users…man they don’t even pay the fee to nexus. Which is odd…the way faster downloads over years pays for itself really.

So many MA’s, to include females, fall back to rule 1 of mod creation. Make what you truly want. As we tend to make mods for how we want to improve OUR game, we share it, and if others like it well then cool. Mods are made to our tastes and wants however.

This is why some will say upfront “I don’t do requests”. The work put out is for their game to enjoy it. They are kind enough to share after is all.

Like the author of CBBE, the famed body mod in bethesda games known for mild to wild female physiques. Its author is a woman. And…she had a real day job when she wrote it. She wanted to make CBBE because the bethesda stock female body was lacking to her.


I feel fairly safe in saying it was males who decided to put those particular pieces in the game. Out of all the artworks, why those? Why didn’t they choose a still life instead originally - are still life paintings not beautiful? What made them decide those?

Blizzard will have a better idea of that than we do and if they think that decision was wrong originally, they should be correcting what they consider as mistakes.