As a female player....oof

Cancel culture doesnt need logic…its their way or no way and if you disagree, YOU can leave where they have planted their banner, because heaven forbid they go to a place they find more welcoming. Instead they have to taint anything they disagree with with their “logic”.


Where did common sense go? It’s not like this in Canada, you have little groups but nothing like what is going on in the US.

At what point did it become wrong to say, no that’s a bad idea? Now they prop them up and commend them for fighting for their personal beliefs in life that’s fine, but this is entertainment. I can’t take people seriously who continue to pay for something that offends them just to feign moral outrage now, literally riding on the backs of actual victims, like by some twisted fate their offense of the female form carries as much weight as the victims of SA/SH at Blizzard.


Right about the time Baby Boomers raised their children to be entitled jerks who cant face an opposing view in a rational manner. Granted not all of them…just enough.

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Video games and real world politics should never mix.


This I agree with…keep RL agendas out of the game.



Don’t blame this on Gen X. We were the ones that pushed against the puritan tendencies. Have you seen the 80’s??. :slight_smile:


That’s his other dog impression.


No there’s not enough of us Gen Xers to have an impact one way or another. Was refering to the after Gen X children.

We would be when the boomers were young parents, Millenials and later are those Boomer parents who have financially made it and just throw money at the problem.

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Of course it doesn’t, because it doesn’t exist.

No but they can speak for themselves and their opinion probably is the same as many others. I’m pretty sure people who choose to dress in any kind of sexy way aren’t always doing it for any kind of “empowerment” but probably just like the way it looks, feel comfortable in it, or quite simply just want to look sexy. Why does this have to all be discussed under the context of empowerment? There is nothing wrong with women dressing sexy and there is nothing wrong with men liking it. Same for women liking men who dress either which way. Thats the point the OP was making, and you completely ignored that in your reply.


I, a former model of photography retired at 27 years old, I must say yes! But not my night elf, here I must prove that I am efficient enough as my male co-raiders and since I am a healer it’s WORSE.

About the topic, this.

And this. You speak for me.


Hmm I bet most of the males where homosexual… which are almost as bad when it comes to judging woman on there looks.

there are some that censor and there are others that do not.

That’s the reason for the hypocrisy, and Blizzard is going down that stupid path.

finally someone who realizes Orcs ARE BARBARIC! TY! :). And I Agree!


This, people need to learn what censorship is.

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What they are are typical examples of the kind of women that have always been prevalent in Fantasy Art. Including Fantasy Art made by women. Last I checked this was a Fantasy game.


After seeing the 9.1.5, what a relief. My son just hugged me and said, “mommy no more sexism in the work place!” Tears of joy

Weird how art is always political.

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Here in the states, it took a backseat because a vast majority of the youth is being manipulated by those very small demographics. I refer to them now as the “Lost Generation” cause they have no clue what they want out of life and constantly change it at the drop of a hat depending on what the current group think is in each new moment. It’s sad cause many of them simply want to leave a decent mark on the world like previous generations did. What they fail to understand is that they don’t need to leave a mark of any kind on the world. All these things so many of them are screeching about have already been fought over by said prior generations and the negative impact has already been mitigated. It’s like scratching at a wound that’s scabbed over, all they’ve done is torn it open to bleed again.