As a female player....oof

This. So much this. Having the option to choose = empowerment.


As a dentist player… toof

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Welcome to Woke WoW culture where in profits in nearly ever comic or business industry it’s tanking rating and money… There is a difference between respecting women and what woke culture does… Lunatics all of them…


Likely random on my part but I couldn’t help adding some accurate info to this. The difference is that the romance section/romance books include M/M, F/F, M/M/F, F/F/M, non binary, people of various sizes, Orcs, lizard men, minotaurs, Gargoyles, vampires, werewolves, Trolls, Jekyll/Hyde types, Sea Monsters, Mermen and Merwomen, aliens from other planets and so on. So there’s a lot more inclusiveness and diversity than one might one first think. And a rule of thumb to let others like what they like while one does the same.

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Wait… ‘male gazing’ pixels is a bad thing? And why do they have wear skimpy clothes to be ‘sexy’? Females in full plate can be pretty attractive too imho.

I’m not a female… irl or in game… so I don’t really have a dog in this race. But I think OP is pretty spot on for the most part.


Yea that ruined that beautiful picture of Jaina. Now it looks like she got her top at forever 21


Omg, Yes. It’s like the community thinks that the females on this game are on board with this crap. They give us a choice to cover up or not cover up and that is good enough for me to not run to twitter and slam Blizzard for being pigs when I’m having a bad day.

If they really think this censorship is going to gain them subs then they are just crazy. I see Alexstrasza sometimes and wonder if they slapped on some pants but they haven’t which they might “want” to do because someone might “complain”
I saw the jailers butt cheeks in the cinimatic after killing sylvanas too. They are targeting the wrong places lol


Looks like she put a bandage over her chest honestly. I don’t know if forever 21 would even do her dirty like this lol


Conan wore nothing but a loincloth in many of the stories. So Fury Warriors go!


It’s kinda bad because it might translate to IRL male gaze.

Seek professional help. Video games are not reality and you not grasping this shows that instead of covering women, men like you need to get educated T.

Honest to Bob, cancel, fastest and most cost effective way to stop being offended. But common sense is lacking in you, so why go that route? :rofl:


Its just trolls, they are not offended by anything, they are just digging through the game trying to find anything they can use for a [please remove this] topic for attention and to spread misery. Its what trolls do.


Thats fine dude but the opinion that matters are from the woman in the company and people in charge.
Removing or changing assets isnt censorship btw.

it does not matter to him that he shows education in his products.

Bob wants to defend the integrity of his companies so as not to have problems when receiving more money, and whose objective is looking for women as a objective (again) to defend a company that was the victim of people who are strangers and used to doing a kind of Gamergates systems in video game companies.

why don’t you ask Frances F Townsend, since I feel her presence even greater than in other decades, the quality of blizzard games has dropped considerably.

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I don’t think they are listening though, it seems a handful of perpetually offended people are being heard. The same type who I generally think don’t know what it is like to be truly offended. If I read one more soliloquy from a mouth breather who has stayed silent and is now speaking over being offended I truly believe the game is done.

If any of these bridge people were really offended why are they still playing? Had a friend gift me a rather risque game for me on steam, tried it, was actually offended and uninstalled, that was the end of it. Look at these fools though, I kept silent and kept paying is sick in the current climate. Notice not one of them will respond to why they stayed sub with an actual logical answer either.

This type wants to give words power, cool, but they should actually experience being offended before they jump on that soap box on the backs of actual victims.


I would say that it is in a new ideology that seeks to indoctrinate any source of entertainment that comes to the USA.

While Japan puts the middle finger on them because they are hypocritical, pathetic and ridiculous.


Yeah we are not nearly as censored up in Canada.


They are making all of these changes for their upcoming lawsuit so they can use it as “evidence” that they are a changed company.


That will help tons, look we saved women by covering them up. You think that’s really going to help them in any way?

This will hurt them more than anything and I can’t believe the brain trust hasn’t figured that out.


It’s not really new. The US has always had this really messed up view/relationship with sexuality/nudity/adult themes. Probably a result of 200 years of puritan tradition.

But we are fine with extreme violence, abuse and guns. We are a very messed up country.