The instant crafting orders went from the crafter providing the mats to the person requesting it having to provide the mats the whole system became as valuable as however much you are willing to tip to get a lockbox open. I’d be grateful it hasn’t dropped to single digit gold yet
When someone else is providing you the mats, any amount you make is profit.
but it is in game, how it works.
unfortunately, you will never stop the under cutters, I hate’em too, but it is what it is. They will continue to do what they do, until Bliz stops them, by setting prices, which then gives you even LESS control over it, and less options.
It’s (hopefully) only until people get their stuff all maxed out…then it will calm down, there will be less orders being filled, and prices will go back up some.
IRL…crafter’s (like me - 12 yrs in business) can set their prices, and say take it or leave it…especially if its a very niche market
but in game…just doesn’t work …not until they figure out a way to stop people from under cutting.
I say, make whatever gold you can, even now…then later, clean house when others are too busy running dungeons & what not
OP confirmed troll? Either way, I’m providing the mats you’re just clicking a button. Take the 5k gold as a tip for your 5 second contribution.
exactly this right here
It doesn’t matter if they provide the mats or not, as the crafter I DESERVE to set the price. Be that 5k or 50k or 500k. I am the one providing YOU a service, you need me more than I need you as you can’t get it on the AH.
People undercutting it by 90% will kill Crafting Orders, mark my words.
There NEEDS to be regulations.
Not really, I deserve to set the price as does every other crafter. Instead we’re being undercut by bots and clueless players.
This is what I want Blizz to do, they need to set a barrier and say “hey, no one can go below this 20k amount as a lot of crafters decided this is the static rate for this piece.”
I haven’t tipped over 1K yet & it’s working out for me
I provided all the mats & you just push a button to make it, still a faster 1k than anything else I can think of
Just fill more orders
And people shouldn’t be able to get away with this highway robbery.
Welcome to a free market. People will pay what the market will bear. If you price high and get no buys, nobody wants it for that price.
Also, posting topic after topic after topic tends to undermine your validity as a poster. If you have something to post, consider adding to an existing post not making a new topic to spam.
Yeah… No
Bruh 1k for pushing a button once is solid
All you’re doing is clicking a button when people have fed you the mats…
We can set the price when we list something we crafted ourselves on the AH. The work order system is literally just a more formalized version of someone posting in trade “lf [x profession] to craft [y gear], my mats, will tip”. No one is going to buy all the mats AND pay full AH price for an item. That’d be like expecting someone in Shadowlands to buy all the mats needed to craft a legendary base item, take it to a crafter, and then also pay that crafter the 125k. At that point, the person could’ve just gone to the AH.
Again, all you’re doing is clicking a button to use mats fed to you. You should be thankful if you get a skill increase out of it.
Unfortunately, we’re all trying to explain this to either an absolute brainlet, or a troll. Either way, we’re just as stupid for continuing to engage them seriously.
I highly suggest nothing but mockery moving forward. You beat a troll by making them mad that you find them to be more amusing than anything else
It’s alright. I’ll continue to take the work orders that people like this guy don’t want to take. Free money for me - woohoo!
Now if only my own server group was being so kind on work orders
nah, this is a free market…
This is not a free market. The buyers need crafters more than we need them.
Nah, it should be higher. We worked hard to get our crafting up.
There’ll be a lot more work orders up when people attempt to reroll their gear and we have the mats for the 408-418 chance. Right now it’s just throw in your ONE and only spark, get your one item, and done. When people are attempting for that perfect roll 2 embellish 418 item, we’ll see the system thrive a bit more.