As a Crafter, I deserve higher commissions

buddy you are completely invested into a factually incorrect storyline on cash shop gold

gold sales are exponentially higher than they ever were on 3rd party markets

inflation on the ingame economy exploded

game design changed to focus on /timeplayed and other cash shop related metrics to make up for lost subs

cash shop gold has literally broken revenue records for wow, despite steeply declining player retention

you have so many bad narratives and assumptions in your post that it is hard to keep track of them all

love the last one that the cash shop, which preys upon players and especially vulnerable minors, is somehow a benefit to them

your rationalization circles you are running in your head are utterly broken


As a Gnome Paladin, I deserve a highchair.


Can you give me an example of when someone is forced to craft an item for someone else at a price they do not agree to?

if you were an unholy dk you’d not have this issue.

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But its not dead.

lmao even
i cant imagine paying over 1k when i supply all the mats
every order ive placed i tipped 420g 69s

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lol not happening. Is much easier and cheaper to paid for a run with cash and get better gear than crafted gear.
btw in a free market people will under cut you. You should be lucky to be getting 2k gold. In fact you should be giving gold to the person asking you craft an item coz they are helping you to level y our profession.

Plenty of crafters are doing orders for very little commission, if you don’t like it - get another profession. Why would anyone pay more if someone is doing it for cheaper?

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Because having gear that says created by Garmuck is a luxury only few could dream of.

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I’d happily craft any item for free if the other player provided the mats, but tips are always appreciated. If you’re looking to make large amounts of gold, you should make items to sell on the AH or just sell the mats you would have gathered to create the items.

I actually took some time to do a little math. A google search told me that the cost of gold hit a high of about $35USD for 300k in the last week. Converting that, you get 1k gold is worth about $0.12. Now lets compare with a regular job, with a decent pay of $40/hr. Let’s also assume, that the crafter is slow and it takes a full 60 seconds to complete an order. Then that person would earn $0.67 per order. Converting back to WOW gold, it’s approximately 5714 gold. From this, I think, people tipping anywhere from 1 to 5k is more than fair and should be appreciated.

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See, I think they did this so crafters can price things out of attainable levels like they did in Shadowlands.

They want to curb stomp free market and inflation.

Yeah i bet your world of warcraft crafting business has a lot of overhead huh

Yeah… Too bad I’m a Paladin…
It’s okay though! I don’t mind having to carry it around.<3

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Yer not a pally yet.
You gotta lift the hammer first.

Oh Hawkens… Hearty chuckle.

I am the hammer!

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The absolute arrogance and entitlement of people like you and a few others here.

“not like you’re doing any work”

High end crafters have spent more than a healthy IRL time grinding rep for higher renown levels to unlock these designs/recipes/patterns.
On top of searching for every single hidden profession treasure to unlock specific slots to customize the epic items.
Then the absurd amount of mats farmed and/or bought off AH to lvl their prof enough to get to these epic patterns in week one and two that you people want.

Anywhere you go for any kind of service people usually tip 10% at very min of the cost of an item or service; it’s just considerate.

“yOu’Re JuSt CliCkInG a ButToN”

If you’re one of the people who says this please check yourself and stop being so damn cheap. And I don’t want to hear like you cant afford it.

Ya’ll have the gold if you’re putting in requests for epic items or jewels etc…or 4-5 star rare profession equipment.

/sprays with water
Time out.

You can’t time out the light!
Shines flashlight in your eyes & tackles.

Lets do some math.

With the basis that the token wage being the baseline “wage” per hour…

Crafting takes lets say…30 seconds of work.
20 / 60 is .33333333333. .33 rounded. You worked half of one of those. So rounding with you in favor you got .17 cents of work.

So lets use the same for gold. 170000/60 is 10,200. In half that is 5100 gold. You asking 50k yes, is ludicrous and no wonder people laugh at you or ignore you

I didn’t read down the thread and basically did the same thing you did lol