As a Crafter, I deserve higher commissions

Posts like these make me feel like I am doing something wrong.
I’ve been playing since vanilla, and my total gold spread across all my characters is like 400k tops.

Every time I have to get on the AH for any reason, it’s so depressing and infuriating at how bad the gold inflation is. I’m honestly at the point where I wish Bliz would code into the game a minimum and maximum price for everything.

As a Crafter, I deserve

A lesson in capitalism, apparently.


Especially if they’re footing most or all of the mats.

Just create your work orders as personal orders from an alt.

My server is just dead. I never see anyone even talking in trade chat, that’s how dead it is. Haven’t seen a single work order, for any craft what so ever. I’d love to fill a work order, any work order, I don’t care the amount of tip involved lol

Yea, I know that, still feels bad to even have to do that you know :frowning:

Who in their right mind is going to pay 50k for a piece of gear that’s going to replaced after a couple keys? 1M for raid pieces is also moronic but since it’s you were talking about, not at surprising.


Guys, you all have to remember that Garmouk is the most awesomely talented player in the history of all history – the greatest tank, whom people on their server all fight to group with, & also extremely humble, polite, civil, never argumentative, someone who never makes a mistake & wins every argument they get involved with.

& pink is blue & up is down & black is white, & this is Sunday you guys!


Clearly Blizzard needs the lesson more than me.

They claim they did some “crafting revamp” and have a bunch of new systems only to find out that it’s the same as the AH where people are undercutting by upwards of 80% on commissions and no one is making any significant profit.

Another dead system in Fail Lands.

I believe this calls for a good ol’ fashioned “git gud, scrub” :heart:

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Imagine not knowing how to be economically competitive.

Imagine buying cheap labor and wondering why crafting orders are dead content.

Lol, guess I’m getting that 10k commission that people can afford then.

I’m just saying Blizzard needs to regulate how low commission can go so us crafters can profit.

Everything in the commission is profit because the mats are supplied by the buyer.

What on earth makes you think that 2k gold isn’t enough to get you to push a couple of buttons while supplying zero materials?


If it has to be based off of how much a WoW Token is, or by Blizzard in any way. Then it becomes P2W. And nobody likes that. There shouldn’t be any control like that. We, the players, can only decide how much one item alone is determined to be how much is valued, and if its a hot item, it’ll likely spike high. There’s always going to be someone who wants to undercut just so they can make a profit.

There’s no stopping or way to regulate prices, only the majority, we, players, are allowed to adjust those prices as a whole. Not by a small set of people. And good luck convincing everyone to keep a static price…

All my crafting orders are guild or personal, and I tell them not to worry about the commission. Some of them still tip anyway, and I usually send it back.

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“If Blizzard wants crafting to be lucrative, they should set the minimum payment at 10x the market rate.”

That’ll work, mate.

Market rate should be decided by crafters, not the buyers. It’s OUR market.

Sure it is. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s little organic gold in DF, unlike SL. Folks are buying things off of SL savings right now because they’re in a hurry, not income that they’re getting from the game.

Even in SL 50K was expensive, especially early on. What, a month of callings? Folks cry because they don’t get gear in their weekly and you think that a month of organic gold is cheap?

But, anyway, DF doesn’t have that. Nowhere near as lucrative as SL was.