As a Crafter, I deserve higher commissions

If they provide 100% of the mats I don’t give to giggles how much they wanna pay me. I leveled my professions for myself and my guild, helping others out and getting paid for it is a side perk.

If they want me to provide mats then you better believe I’m charging them full price.


Blizzard just needs to remove that dumb weekly quest, with that no one will need to fulfil services for 2k of commission. Is ridicule, we farm all recipes, level and specialize profession, to get what amount for crafting.

that is the problem. The knowledge is valuable. U have to understand that! it’s not just about mats, but the knowledge and time spent farming and unlock for that craft.

The time I spent farming mats is irrelevant if someone else is providing them, and it is a hard requirement that the ‘buyer’ do so for Public orders.

If we were required to provide the spark or other BOP mats - sure, absolutely it should cost a ton.

Knowledge gain is pretty much automatic as you level a profession with some notable exceptions (world items, masters, and consortium rep items).

It’s much the same as the real world. If you’re in graphic design or illustration I fully expect you to be compensated for your time spent learning, but I don’t expect each and every client to fully pay for your education.


This screams karen…


lol yes I know what it is…again, in business for 12 years

THOSE are the people you just don’t make it for. Others will, to level up there stuff…but, you don’t have to. There will ALWAYS be someone to low ball you, but at that price, you’d be better off in the AH

You COULD …toss your mats on the AH instead, and make gold that way too…for now

I guess my point is only this - If you wanna sell right NOW, you gotta take whats being offered…if you can afford to wait…then do it, or stick it up on the AH (if that can be done with your pieces…)

At least you get crafting orders to show up, I only saw a few on one low end server I’m on surprisingly… 'twas a juicy one but you need a high rep for one faction to get a recipe for it otherwise I’d had made 90k for pressing craft god dammit lol :laughing:

This is truth. I’ve literally checked everyday and there has not been 1 single gem order placed there…and why would there be? You can just make your gems and toss them on the AH. Why would someone go through the hassle of setting up an order when the AH is like a literal quick jump and a swoop away?

I just ended up paying my guildie 1k to list orders for guild/personal to me on Tuesday for the foreseeable future. If he slacks, I’ll just make my alt do it (for some reason, I thought this wouldn’t work so I didn’t think to try it).

You click a few buttons and get free skill points. Any commission at all is nice.

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I feel like them pairing crafting quest to the orders was a mistake.
This system in general feels like it was intended for mostly the off chance of getting something made or something and shouldn’t of had profession leveling or w.e tied to it.

It’s gonna take a long time for it to gain some traction on the lower pop servers for it to justify tying profession leveling to it.

Wonder if he remembers to bubble before the gravity boss squooshes him though? :rofl:

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There should be a commission on every post of yours. 100k per post.

Obvious troll is obvious


this is like tipping doordash drivers. no. you get paid for delivering im not tipping you. you’re provided the reagents by the person wanting the piece. all you do it click a button and thats it.

The basic idea is sound. The implementation is anything but. The AH has existed and is by far the ingrained method. People are just going to check there for common goods.

Crafting orders make sense for anything ultra rare or super high powerful but odds are still the primary market for those have established guilds and all that work will stay in house…especially if one needs to provide the bulk of the mats too the crafter may not even have.

Like my gems, it’s just far easier for my guildies to put in gchat what they want and for me to deal with it when I’m on next or if they are that antsy, just buy one from the AH. Setting up a crafting order for me to then have to think and go check and then fulfill is just extra steps for like a mild shot of realism or something.

Basically too little and far too late. It’ll be a dud of a system as things stand imo.

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Yup, I like the idea of it but as you said;

Is my feeling as well.

The only mostly good part of it for people will be the;

I just find it annoying that they’d once again tie things to it when a lot of servers barely have any orders up.

Everybody remembers to bubble, except for me. Shamans, mages, warriors… Murlocs, ffs.

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can’t sell soulbound stuff in the AH

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OP will take what they get & like it :slight_smile:

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Considering the OP has made multiple threads about “being tired of…” I am left to wonder why they even play the game, let alone pay a subscription anymore.

Oh right, trolling!

