As a Crafter, I deserve higher commissions

It is, you don’t have to push the button.

Troll aside.

nah i aint payin you in a token HAHA

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I’ve put my highest commission for the 382 or w/e ilvl the helm was at 10 gold and it got made immediately, people care more about leveling up via my mats than they do about gold so I fully expect them to work for almost nothing and they always seem to.

Jesus christ. The fact that you people are trading high end items for 10g makes this entire crafting revamp a dead concept.

Blizzard took a fat L not moderating this feature. There needs to be minimums for crafting commissions, or everyone will just undercut it to oblivion.

Good, I hate crafting.

A revamp in professions does not mean anything about making more gold from it. It is about time you learn the difference between professions in Dragonflight, and profressions in Shadowlands.

Also, you do not have any right to exploit anyone in game for gold using your professions. That is extremely toxic.

Because it is not up to Blizzard to decide how much things cost in the AH or how much a person choses to donate for Crafting. If a person donates all the materials for you to craft them something, then you have no right to be charging them for crafting when you didn’t provide any materials to craft it.

People are reading way too much into work orders.

Blizzard wants to make crafting relevant for high-end content. They tried it with crafted legendaries in Shadowlands, but of course people complained.

The ENTIRE PURPOSE of the crafting order system is for M+/Raid players to take their Bind-on-Pickup materials they got from doing content, and have it crafted into gear for them without them having to have the profession themselves.

It’s Blizzard’s answer to the puzzle: How do we drop bind-on-pickup crafting mats for people and still have them useful even if they don’t have the profession?

That’s it.

That’s why crafting orders exist. Most of it will be personal work orders or within-guild (that’s why there’s a Guild option for them).


Every market belongs more to the consumers than anyone else because they set the demand.

You still can’t seem to grasp that high price items have always been materials based. The top end crafters either bought or farmed expensive rare materials, and those rare materials set the price. Now that a player can provide their own rare materials, you need to understand that your role as a crafter is the monkey who pushes the button. You should be thankful that people are even willing to spend 1-2k on that.

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No, according to him, he is this:

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I’m not paying you anything you already get perks for crafting anyway. You’ll take the copper and be gone!

I couldn’t even read that without lmao. Well played.


Should also add, he is the prophet of Wrath.


Im not talking about the mats, is about the recipes. And no one will do a design work for 1dolar. Sure they do pay for the time u spent learning.

Lmao my dude. You literally just click a button. I could maybe understand if like…it was some recipe you had to grind a lot of rep or something for but not anywhere near the realm of 1mill gold. That’s delusional.

I have the LW recipe for the epic pvp boots, the ones that give 5% extra CC reduction. I have filled orders for 100k gold and 1k. I don’t care, it’s basically easy money without me having to farm mats or do any actual work. The big commissions are really nice but I certainly don’t mind the smaller ones as well. You can always choose not to fulfill them if you deem them not worthy of your lofty standards.

And… we can’t seem to get him banned yet… We think he got a soft ban but then came back and doubled down on his stupidity….


I’ve seen people in the past on these forums (like, way back when, of Wrath and whatnot) get banned for far less than some of what has popped up on here nowadays.



This thread is so flipping stupid. Not even a decent troll…just dumb as rocks.

Ahh yes a new Garshmuck troll thread.

Im going to tip less when I commission things just because of this thread.

I dont think these threads would get you banned.

He is definitely trolling and spamming… He makes several RDF posts a day in Classic… Or he posts endlessly about how much better DF is… won’t go away…

Oh good grief… a lvl 10. All of his troll accounts are level 10 too… :expressionless: