As a Crafter, I deserve higher commissions

there is a bug when you look at the publc crafting orders (at least for me), I don’t see them unless I toggle learned and unlearned on and off.

wow what an entitled attitude give the game sometime to settle in geez

Cool cool cool feel free to ask for 50k… I’ll shop around and find someone cheaper. Quality is not a question in the game so your product is no better or worse than anyone elses.

I don’t even think it has the “made by ____” anymore I seem to remember that was a thing once? or was that another game.

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undercuts are absolutely a tool of the market.

an item only has one correct price and that is what people are willing to pay for it.

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I don’t see any orders in regards to tailoring or enchanting. I think I’m just unlucky, or most stuff is BOE and can make more gold. But considering gold is useless, because there is hardly anything to spend it on, if I were to see a crafting order, I’d take the job, write down the name of the person requesting the crafting order, then send them the gold back.

Oh you’re a crafter now? In another one of your garbage troll threads you said you didn’t craft, it wasn’t hardcore enough to keep you interested. It was a garbage system for casuals. Must be getting hard for you to keep your lies straight.


It would be nice if they raised what you can sell things for at a vendor. This would set the lowest market price and keep things in some sort of order.

Are crafting orders faction-specific?

all the leather working ones I usually see are for high renown patterns which I don’t think anyone has yet on my server

You’re delusional lol.


Tokens may bring more gold into the game, but there is zero reason to expect that to increase your profit. More gold in the game does mean inflation which usually means a greater quantity of gold (with less buying power) but people also have priorities. Besides, the commission offered is up to the customer and you if you are willing to accept it, plus using the price of a token to determine in game prices is a bit like acting like the Blizzard store.

Only if they are willing to pay it. They can offer one copper if they feel it is fair.

Crafter/Customer relationships work out in end. It is called negotiating which basically means that neither party gets everything they want.

Welcome to the free market. There is no such thing as “deserving higher commissions.” See above for reasons.

I’m not 100% sure but this sounds like a “good luck” thing to me. You need to remember simple supply and demand rules (which applies to your entire post). People have to want it enough vs how many are available and what people are willing to sell it for. Besides, there is the often narrow window between where something that will help for a raid and when it is made obsolete as ilvl incrases. At this point your customer base becomes the mog farmers.

Here is some reading material:

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Idk, people seem to quickly accept my orders with 420g 69s commission.


If I remember correctly the commission is totally up to the person placing the order. So there is little Blizzard can do about low ball offers, you just have to accept the ones that are paying you what you feel is fair.

do you even know what a commission is?

We don’t control how much is charged, people ask for items that require you to be renown 19 on top of using around 50 crafting talent points to specialize into being able to control the stats or add embellishments and they are willing to pay ONE silver for it.

You probably should unionize…call AOC and get her to help

They can enforce a system that scans the auction house, adds the totality of the mats needed to craft the commission item and set the minimum possible for commission gold to be 10% of the total price of the mats.

If they have proven anything, they are not going to set a base price on anything on the AH. I mean they don’t do that right now with stuff sold on the AH, so why would they here? Just don’t accept offers you feel are not worth your “skill”.

No, no it should not.

You are one of the reasons blizzard made this system and added the cross realm materials. Because you think it’s okay to exploit other players.


the mats usually sell for over 5 times the commission price, gathering mats and selling in AH makes infinitely more gold than being a crafter, right now crafting commissions only exist to allow you to level up the crafting skill

If anything the crafters are being exploited by people like you who pay bare minimum cheap rates killing off the desire for people to want to take up crafting.

There should be a regulation that forces you to pay a higher commission, otherwise it’s not fun for crafters.