As a Community, we do not want RDF

Please do try and speak for everyone. You have the right to have your voice heard but not speak for the rest of the community. I would prefer RDF in-game.

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Um, it’s not in the feat of strength tab, it’s in the dungeon and raid tab. :confused:

Weren’t you the one talking about humor earlier =\

You go log onto Retail where you belong to complete it.

I was playing Wrath when you were in diapers, respect Veteran Gamers. We know FAR more than you.

Explain this thread:

This is someone on YOUR side, the people who want pro-RDF also want WoW tokens and LFR.

And a majority do NOT prefer it hence it’s removal, enjoy being on the minority side on this one.

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Oh woosh, went over my head. :smile:

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Where is your proof that you have the majority? Most polls I see are in favor of RDF.

They removed /spit but guards can still spit on people.

They removed Enslave but mobs can still enslave people… you still have slave pens…

They added a male version of the succubus but didn’t add female versions of the felguard?

Blizzard is terrible at making decisions… removing RDF is clearly on par for course.

i just said i dont care about lfr and wow token? so how are they on my side. you even quoted me saying ewe to lfr. like what? if you’re going to troll put some work into it. your previous posts were much better.

Most polls are false and fake news, Brian the Dev tweeted out saying a MAJORITY of players wanted it out. It will continue to stay out of the game as well, it is not a needed feature as it exists in Retail and you can go there.

Doesn’t matter, my point is that YOUR side of pro-RDF supports many other things that will also ruin the game. Even if you don’t agree with them, by wanting RDF you are going to bring all those other things no one wants whether you like it or not.

Really you gonna pull the old fart card on someone who played in the vanilla beta? You can try better than that. And the fact is gold sellers showed up in the game in the first 6 months of vanilla.

You don’t speak for me. I want RDF and what community are you talking about. There is no community in wow anymore and not putting RDF isn’t going to change that.


Buying gold does not exist as it is illegal, if you choose to do so your opinion no longer matters in any WoW related topic.

WoW Token is legal RMT and that’s in Retail, NOT Classic.

You’re right, I speak for the SILENT MAJORITY. My side won and got RDF removed and it will STAY removed while your side continues to lie to each other about how much people want RDF when no one wants it at all…

originally i thought you might be a true anti RDFer but at this point im 99% sure you’re a full on troll, that or you’re just an idiot. hiter was a vegetarian and promoted healthier living, so all vegetarians support hitler. see, pure nonsense. i just assigned some random things that happened to line up in 1 specific issue and bam they’re connected forever, if you like one you must like or support the other. your arguments make no sense, they arent related but you string them in a sentence and state it as fact. you like to play the scholar but thats all you’re doing…playing.

Also the Token was added after RDF was rolled into scenario and lfm tool. As for gold buying, don’t you remember all the dead level 1’s falling on the ground in co-ordinated add in stormwind? Those were the days… But if you want to make the false accusation that I bought gold, versus the statement that there was gold buying, feel free. Just shows that you truely have no argument when the facts are known.

I have to go host my weekly Kara GDKP but when I get back I expect you and the other pro-RDF trolls to delete your posts out of respect to the majority of the community.

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Not hardly, I’m just getting warmed up!

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probably going to reserve 15% for leading a kara gdkp

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Because a kara GDKP is serious bidnez.

honestly, GDKPs are more responsible for RMTs than anything.

So what you’re saying is you learned from the 6 day suspension you got on sept 13. Direct insults, no, constant lying, yes