As a Community, we do not want RDF

It’s 12.5%, not 15% as that would be too high.

We make sure to vet our customers and any sign of RMT will result in removal + mass reports.

Nice try trying to misconstrue my post, I said that to point out how people who want RDF don’t want to socialize can leave for Retail where they belong.

I’ve never gotten banned once on these forums.

One of your other pro-RDF co horts admitted to buying gold earlier, although I assume you did too since you want RDF so badly.

I bait whispered someone once asking about just paying straight cash for a run and if it was allowed, and the person said… “uhh well idk about all that… anyways you are free to do whatever you want and all we care about is if you have the gold and we don’t know where you get it from so if you were to use one of those services and had the money we wouldn’t know or care :)” I just then backed out with the whole “oh well I wouldn’t wanna get banned”

inb4 ‘no it was not bait u actually rmt’: The last time I think I spent money on a video game (outside of battle shop cosmetics and the dreadwake) was either Running Fred or Farmville back in 2012

Speak for yourself

As a classic community, nobody wants RDF.


So you just assume that anyone who doesn’t agree with your views automatically violates terms of service? I’m mildly offended by that. Almost enough to report, but you’re also too much fun to play with today. And no we’re not co-horts, we’re individual players who want the actual wrath. Not the bastardized version you’re in favor of.

Citation Needed.

The true version of Wrath doesn’t have RDF. Stop trolling or I will be forced to report.

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Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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Yeah these types of bad actors can exist, I applaud you for not falling for it and giving in. It is illegal and not allowed, and in my GDKPs we make sure to ban them and we try to maintain that across other big guilds on our server.

I speak for the Silent Majority, we got RDF removed and it will never come back.

What about that other pro-RDF poster who wanted WoW tokens AND LFR along with RDF? You are all in the same group of people, you are all trying to ruin Classic.



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Looks like we’ll be here for the long haul as it is never coming back.

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Go ahead, I’m not trolling, Just stating the fact that RDF was included in 3.3.5 wrath patch and should be included today. If that’s threatening to you, well I don’t know what to say.

Classic Wrath is NOT Retail Wrath, these are two different games where one has RDF and the other doesn’t. This is something you need to get used to as it will NEVER change.

No, I do, and they want RDF!

Not backing up your claim is great!

ROFLMAO!!!~ GDKPs no wonder you are against RDF … you dont play this game
You ruin this game … UNSUB troll!!

Sorry nope to token either. As I’ve said before. You might want to take notes if the situation get’s too confusing.

World buffs were in 1.12 Vanilla but that doesn’t mean either are good for the game

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How did you assume anyone would be threatened by you? Omegalul

The fact RDF isn’t here and you spend your time on the forums whining for it come back only shows me my side has won and yours lost.

What do GDKPs have to do with RDF??

Show me any data driven empirical proof the majority doesn’t want RDF.

Speculation at best. Trolling at it’s worst.