As a Community, we do not want RDF

Read the ToS my friend. Not bannable but also not supported by Blizz if you get scammed. Gold trades have been around since Vanilla when people wanted to move gold from server to server. Retail to Classic is no different.

Well RDF is no longer here so it’s VERY clear who the majority is and who isn’t.

Where is your proof for this?? This is a bold accusation to make, I don’t know anyone in my inner circle who buys gold and even being on a Mega Server we have a very strict stance against RMT.

We also have no WoW tokens unlike Retail and gold is easy to make in TBC, so I don’t get how people are getting this gold when it is not allowed.

And there it is, the people supporting RDF are gold buyers.

We can turn it bannable really quick, all it would take is a couple posts alerting people of this black market going on.

I got talked to back in either WotLK or Cata, I cannot remember, by a GM because I was trading WoW timecards for gold. The GM said I couldn’t do that, so I had to stop. I got scammed once too. But it was like… the WoW token before the WoW token. :smile:

The majority already won, at this point we’re instilling dominance and forever keeping RDF out and the pro-RDF trolls at bay so we no longer have to deal with this nonsense in OUR Community.

the majority is those just playing the game not caring about this RDF war because they are better than us. :frowning:

Nope just the squeakiest wheel.

Yeah definitely :joy: I’m sure they will get right on that. Remember when boosting communities got banned like 6 months ago? Yeah they are everywhere again. Blizz doesn’t care.


He doens’t even play, he just gets off making you guys mad and bumping his thread.

Your best option is to not engage with the troll and let his thread die.

Clearly the devs did when they removed RDF, how does is it feel to be on the losing side? I can’t relate.

Blizz cares far more about Classic than Retail.

its entertainment though for lots imo :smiley:

But, but I like wasting his time making him reply to me while I’m bored at work today!


my proof? i guess i can google buy wow gold and link you several sites. drinking under 21 is illegal, that doesnt stop people. and while it is against the rules it was there before rdf and it’ll be there regardless of whether rdf is put in the game or not. so i wouldnt use RDF as a reason as to why it came into existence. because they arent related.

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I’ve always looked at it like this; boosters are unpaid Blizzard contractors. Customers buy tokens to pay the booster who then pays their WoW sub (with five additional dollars going to blizzard) and then it just repeats.

im here because servers are locked and i cant be bothered to play if im not playin with friends. im anti-social and dont want to make new friends.

RDF culture created RMT gold bots and that entire boosting culture, you are saying you want a tool that will allow players to become mindless zombies and AFK all day long. Later on you will want LFR and then WoW tokens.

It’s becoming more and more clear that you and the other pro-RDF people here are on a coordinated Discord campaign to try and ruin Classic.

And you talk about a fantasy world when you live in one yourself, you are playing Classic with LFG tool, NOT RDF. Get it right.

Hey RDF, how would I go about completing this achievement that’s in the game, right now?

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If you really thought that, you NEVER played vanilla

I agree. I sold a ton of M+ boosts in BFA. Made over 15 million gold over the course of about a year of selling runs a couple days a week. The amount of people that messaged us saying they were waiting for their tokens to sell so they could buy a carry was staggering. I didn’t realize how big a moneymaker the token was until I started selling carries.

1st off…ewe lfr? really? no, stop. delete that. and wow token? i could care less if they’re put in or not. im mainly self sufficient in classic, i have my gatherers and crafters. but i also have a lot more time to play than most people, so i understand if Joe over there works all day and only has a set amount of time to play and would rather raid than farm gold, so in order to play the game he wants to, he has to spend some of his real $$ to buy gold to get flasks etc.

It’s a feat of strength