As a Community, we do not want RDF

Well if you’re horde hit me up. Toon name is Idaelus. I’m currently specced ret at around level 32. Always looking for fun people to run with.

If you’re alliance then can’t help you but will wish you good luck.

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that figures, find a decent person and they are on the other faction lol


Sorry mate been playing blue all through classic.

I’ve never leveled a horde through the original Azeroth, all my horde leveling was done after the cataclysm.

I may roll a toon over on the worse side of maladath (:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) after I get to 80 and earn some heirlooms.

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At some point I must have flagged this post and I can see why.

Nearly 7000 posts. What an epic.

Like Michelangelo’s sistine chapel but more pointless.

Way to go guys. It was a real community effort.

Keep it up!!!

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Rdf hasn’t commented in several days. I suppose he was banned… everything is peaceful here. Now this post can die.

I wasn’t banned.
I changed sides.

I support RDF now.

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Back here again to triple down on no RDF.

Most true classic players don’t want RDF. Most retail fan bois who are trying to hijack classic want RDF.

Get out of here. Leave classic to real classic fans, you retaily kids.

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In your opinion.

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Yea, classic wow <---- that way. RDF was in Wrath.


It was a mistake. It’s been fixed. Now go back to retail.

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It wasn’t.
It was sabotaged with the help of simpletons like you.

RDF will be back and you’ll be crying all day.


then maybe most true classic players should go back to classic and leave wrath reforged to the wrath players.


You were post 6666. Congratulations.

Oh, you haven’t heard their new policy on this yet, have you?

It’s ok for anti RDF to tell us to go play retail, but not OK for us to tell them to go play classic.



6669 I like this spot


Sick n tired of you retail kids. All you want is nerfing n making things easier. Add rdf so we can be more lazy. Nerf honor. Remove rating on arena gear. Nerf naxx that’s already a joke…

They made a damn game for you lazy people who want everything for free. It’s called Retail Wow. So leave classic alone. Go. Stop retalizing it.

RDF was a mistake in original wrath. It’s being fixed now.

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Go back to classic era. This is Wrath classic, not vanilla classic or even TBC classic. Telling someone who wants a WRATH feature in WRATH to go play retail makes you look like a complete idiot.

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Retailizing. I like it.

Will be back in 297 post. 6969 is my spot fools.

RDF would have quelled the asking for many of the others requested changes you mentioned.

It’s removal only inflamed the casual playerbase more and highlighted those other areas as targets for casuals to attack and demand for changes.

You are doing too much puppetry. I think this would be a great spot for a particular epic novel.