As a Community, we do not want RDF

literally not how numbers work but ok

Let this post die in the depths of the abyss, so you can go on history, and remove it from your computer forever.

nope, we will continue to post. because while the title says one thing, the number and content of responses provides a different result than the OP intended.


I am so tired of people bumping this RDF thread. After five thousand replies haven’t we heard enough?

nope, more noise inbound. its what the devs told us to do.

As you post to bump the thread… lol.

This attempt at social engineering, known as the “LFG tool”, has failed!

I literally cannot engage other players in conversation, despite how I try. The most interaction I get in 90% of the groups is people asking for a summon. This is worse than the situation in Retail, because the system in Wrath Classic is a chore to use, which puts people in a bad mood and causes them to not want to talk.

Additionally, more than half of the groups I’ve joined have failed before even starting the dungeon. This can be the result of:

  • Multiple players AFKing
  • Players using all of their limited playtime trying to form a group, and end up having to leave
  • Players becoming frustrated and leaving after multiple failed attempts to replace other group members who have left
  • Players being unwilling to or taking too long to travel to the dungeon entrance
  • Players failing to invite the correct ratio of players, e.g. 3 dps, 1 healer, 1 tank (yes, this is an issue!)

This is in addition to the swath of previously-stated drawbacks that result from the decision to omit RDF from Wrath. And for what benefit?

I’ve been saying for months that the omission of RDF won’t help the social situation of the game. I’ve provided so many well-reasoned points regarding why this attempt at social engineering and “encouraging” player interaction will not work, BASED ON EVIDENCE FROM CLASSIC OVER THE PAST THREE YEARS. Now, one month into the expansion, everything I’ve been trying to draw the attention of Blizzard to has come to fruition. And it’s even worse than I expected and predicted.

Please, stop directing development around unrealistic, ideological goals. This strategy simply does not work. It was nice to dream about a version of the game in which social interaction would be successfully fostered by design decisions. But you can’t control how players will play the game! If players want to socialize, they will do so regardless of whether or not RDF is in the game. If players don’t want to socialize in the way Blizzard deems appropriate, decisions that made to “encourage” those specific social behaviors, at the cost of a degraded quality of actual gameplay itself, will only succeed at driving players away.

Thus far, Blizzard has demonstrated that they would gladly alter WotLK and release WotLK Classic in such a way that it appeals to and is playable by only a small subset of the players of the original game, all in the name of aspirational thinking.



/10 car

11.5mil people did fine without RDF, no clue why 400k can’t manage… seriously.

I don’t know, today I made a new friend, and it looks like it’s going to be one of those long-lasting friendships. I got invited to a full-group and ran dungeons like 4 times. Healers from previous dungeons runs (I’m a tank) whisper me to do things with them. I did Amphitheater of Anguish today, zero problems getting a group using the LFG tool.

My success ratio is high, like I’ve completed 80% of the dungeons I wanted to run in Azeroth, and 100% in Outlands and Northrend.

It looks to me that people base the need of RDF based on their personal experiences rather than from a bigger, sociological perspective, and they even say they’re the vocal majority on the forums, which I don’t doubt. But we must take into consideration that people will tend to talk more about a negative experience than a positive one: for example, someone is more likely to talk about losing $50 rather than talking about earning $50.

Many people don’t come here to talk about their successful social interactions, but I --for a change-- have had multiple nice encounters. I treat them nicely, I compliment their gear, or tell them that I liked how they managed a situation during the run, like an accidental pull where nobody died, or how the dps took the aggro off of the healer before I could react, etc.

To me, it isn’t unrealistic what Blizzard is trying to accomplish; I give my best to be a nice person in hopes that I influence others to do the same. I pay more attention to the positive interactions than the negative ones, because I’ve had a good share of those as well.

i think the simple problem is that the current hot garbage of LFG tool provides more opportunity for negative experiences than positive experiences. its hard to pay more attention to one positive when dealing with 100 negatives, particularly when knowing there IS a tool out there that would and has made it more like 75 positive to 25 negative. rdf was an extremely far more positive experience for me and in turn made me more of a positive person in game.

no need to threatening blizzard about what you WANT and if you dont have it …quit the game and btw did you ask the 500k people who play wotlk what they want ? or just your minority guild ?

I’m glad you’ve had a positive experience. I honestly am. And all of the things you’ve mentioned would still be possible if RDF were in the game. If you’re currently able to talk talk to people and form friendships, you’ll retain that ability if RDF isn’t withheld!

The players who wouldn’t socialize in an RDF group likely already don’t talk in slowly, manually-assembled groups. Those people might actually be more likely to socialize with RDF, because they’re given the tools to play the game in a way which they find enjoyable. And if you’re absolutely convinced that RDF contributes negatively to your gameplay experience by allowing a greater number of anti-social players into groups, consider this: the inclusion of RDF would provide you with a way to completely avoid those players, and play only with the socialites you wish to play with, by not allowing you to not use the tool that will attract all of the anti-social players. It’s literally a win-win situation for everybody.

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There is a double-edged sword situation here. What I’ll explain next is based on articles I’ve read, interviews I’ve watched, and years of therapy I’ve taken; I’m not a psychologist. Once said that, to me, the human species is social by nature, and if you provide people that don’t like to socialize the tool to not step out of their comfort zone, they won’t be likely to socialize with (or without) RDF.

It really isn’t that simple, as it has been explained on multiple occasions. First of all, a beneficial personal experience does not always equate to a benecitial collective experience. Secondly, people will be likely to be drawn to the most convenient tool (path of lest resistance), so that’s why the don’t like it, don’t use it wouldn’t apply here --among other reasons. And lastly, a very debatable point, when people are in a situation in which they don’t have the tools to get the expected result, they become creative; provide the tools and you might end up limiting self-growth.

In that sense, RDF does take away some social abilities. But… wouldn’t the exclusion of RDF force people to do something they don’t want or feel uncomfortable doing? The answer is yes, but the same can be said to the inclusion of RDF and its effects on sociable people; there can’t be a win-win situation here, one group will be affected. Now, highly debatable as well, forcing people to be more sociable might not be entirely bad for them, as explained in this article: https www medicalnewstoday com/articles (remember to add :// and the dots in the corresponding spaces).

Although you have some valid points, this is something that needs to be analyzed on a broader, sociological perspective; as I said before, it isn’t that simple.


We don’t have enough data to support or deny that. Some people have stated that they are finding groups faster than what they did with RDF.

It is, I agree, but “hard” does not mean impossible.

Again, not enough data.

I can’t tell people where to focus their attention on, neither can I tell them that becoming a nicer person is a personal choice, even with the negative experiences that everyone has in our lifes. All I can do is suggest and encourage people to do so.

There’s a poll in reddit, but I can’t remember where it is, in which they asked people about many aspects of WotLK Classic before its release, in which aproximately 90% of its participants voted “no” when they were asked if they wanted RDF in WotLK. I remember over 30k people participated.

the only relevant thread on this forum

ive seen a poll in reddit with something like 30k responses that was 90% positive FOR rdf. this is why i dont trust reddit sources, the only source for a poll that can even remotely be trusted is blizzard itself and they wont do it. its entirely possible it would shine a light they dont want on their decisions.

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I will admit I’ve had some success getting into low level dungeons on my Paladin using the LFG tool.

I still think that the tool needs work. If this was the route they are taking they should have just brought the retail tool over.

That said RDF is probably going to be needed at some point.

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i decided to give LFG another shot last night on ateish using this character. there were a TOTAL number of players in LFG of FOUR. not one a tank or a healer. it was every dungeon from ragefire to deadmines… to shadowfang keep… something like 6 dungeons available and no tanks or healers. so i put all dungeons on the search and relisted and found 8 players total with only 1 healer and no tanks. this was at 9pm EST. no rdf means no real shot at low level content. i tried this with another character on pagle, on westfall, and on maladath. pretty much same situation only the number of dps varying.

Really? That’s where my Paladin is.

I ran RFK, and 3 Scarlet Monastery runs last night as Ret.

It has been hit or miss on if there’s enough out there to get one going. Some nights I can’t get anything.

maladath is home to my main, hes a lvl 72 hunter… couldnt get a run to save my life. so switched to a level 47 mage… no one in LFG tool. switched to lvl 27 pally tank… no one in LFG tool. its typical of what ive been seeing.