As a Community, we do not want RDF

It’s the latter. RDF didn’t bring people to the game, the release of ICC brought them in/back.

Like I said, RDF. You’re bad at the game. You cried because retail was too hard for you. You cry now because you think 12+ year old mechanics of old are harder than they used to be. You will cry when ice crown is released, and they roll out a dungeon tool we’re requesting to reach across realms. And then you’ll USE IT like a good old man. <3


Everyone I know would prefer RDF and from all the posts I have seen concerning it I would say the vast majority of the community does too. Also just to point out if they ever did implement it again you DON’T have to use it… feel free to go about it as if it never existed… problem solved.

THIS has always been my favorite point. Return RDF to the game, cuz it was part of wrath, and those who don’t like it, don’t have to use it. Simple. Problem solved. Anti-RDF-ers have zero ground to stand on.

You’re right, if my attitude were better there wouldn’t be 99% faction servers, the LFG tool wouldn’t be trash and people like you wouldn’t have to climb out of your hole to drop non-sensical posts.

It is a RETAIL feature

Another Lie. Its a Wrath feature.

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It is a RETAIL Wrath feature NOT a CLASSIC Wrath feature, these are two SEPARATE games.


Not yet :slight_smile:

It was in the original wrath. It IS a classic Wrath feature. It needs to be in it, because it WAS in it.


This is the only way

From the looks of it, i think more people want RDF than otherwise.

Just compare the first two posts

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As long as WE the anti-RDF hold majority it will NEVER be put in.

It is a RETAIL feature NOT a Classic feature.

That’s the thing about the unhinged vocal minority: They think they’re the majority, even when people start coming out of the woodwork to oppose them.


RDF had zero basis on the sub count, even though it jumped when introduced. That was likely due to ICC opening up.

It’s more of a content driven game than it is “devices” driven. People would still play with or without it. And retail doesn’t use it for end game. They use a similar tool to reach cross-realm for raid / party finding, and that tool is much better than the junk we have now.

They already removed it, so how would them removing it again bring in more players?

Another way to put it… We leased a Ferrari. We got to drive that sucker for four years. Beat it up real good. We know it’s ins and outs.

When the lease was due for turn in (transition from Wrath to Cataclysm), we were offered a new lease. Based on the contract we signed, we were forced to take the offer, or just not drive.

Many of us took the horrific offer and were driving around in that 1980 Ford Pinto (cheapest crappy car comparison i could think of). We were moving along and then boom. Car broke down.

They stripped the game down, built it back up into a lot of turdy things. They added flying to azeroth (one can argue the social change that brought). They added LFR down the stretch (this too was quite a mess). They stripped down talent trees to what they called “streamlined”. In other words, they got lazy recreating the current system you see in wrath. And introduced a hot mess of junk (To this day I think this was the worst part of all they did, talent trees were fun).

This is not to say they don’t hit home runs on things in retail. They do from time to time. Timewalking is pretty cool (dungeons and raids). Some recent raids they rolled out were great (Castle Nathria was fun). Content factions were a good add (Necrolords, venthyr, etc.) along with the conduits. It gave a feeling of old school talent trees. And gave you a slight boost to your characters.

I just feel like the developers of today feel the need to change the game. When all they need to do is feed content. The core was solid. The content, not so.

My two cents. :slight_smile:

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The only unhinged vocal minority is the pro-RDF crowd.

You don’t have it in the game and Devs don’t even support you yet you’re delusional enough to think it’s coming back.


You can’t talk about “ruining social interactions” when currently there are people gatekeeping others out of dungeons with their absurd “SWP geared” pile o’ poo.\

How much does one really care about the community when you’re very selective with who you play with?

Here’s a novel idea. You elite/snobby 1%ers can keep playing with each other and the 99% will have RDF.

You don’t have to touch the button to queue up and us “peasants” can play how we want.

All this talk about claiming to care about the so-called ‘Classic Experience’ and then you have people doing this AND min/maxing the hell out of the game.

Every. Single. Aspect. Of. It.

^^ This was NOT the OG WotLK experience (or vanilla or tbc!)
But all of that is why I quit playing WoW Classic the first time around.

You guys are sucking all the fun out of the game.

The more I read, the more I laugh…


Delusional is stating that a wotlk feautre (RFD), wasn’t in that expansion (even though it was there for a full calendar year) and then claiming that classic wotlk and retail wotlk are different.

You don’t want any changes in wotlk classic yet, you want RDF removed, which was an actual feature of wrath. No offense, but this makes you look like a MASSIVE hypocrite.