As a Community, we do not want RDF

Correction: I want anyone who is trying to RUIN Classic to get out.

My Vision for the Community shared by the MAJORITY and the Devs, it is one where we have NO Retail features.

Because it is how they justified LFR and WoW Tokens.

The SAME people who want RDF in Classic ALSO want LFR and WoW Tokens, it is a SLIPPERY SLOPE.

Umm, sorry bud but RDF is a WotLK feature, not a Retail feature… not having it in the game isn’t being true to WotLK so in essence you’re being more anti-Classic than the rest of us.

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still you, my dude

so then why is nearly every time the OP brings up pro-RDF players he feels the need to call them things like troll? why are all of his statements of opinion put on pedestals as if they’re fact, while other dissenting opinions are fake and invalid? why is wanting RDF “admitting you want to kill Classic”?

OP isn’t disagreeing with a position, he is actively putting down any opinion that doesn’t line up with his own

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Wrong, this is CLASSIC Wrath NOT Retail Wrath. Retail Wrath might have RDF but we do NOT have it in Classic and that is something you need to learn to accept.

LFG is FAR superior to RDF.

No, it’s still WotLK. What happened to #NoChanges?

Heroic+ happened, iLevel changes happened, No RDF happened. That ship sailed A LONG time ago.

It is VERY clear both the Devs AND the Community WANT to continue with their Vision for Classic and RETAIL mechanics like RDF are NOT part of that plan.

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That’s not true. There are some, sure, but nothing about RDF requires Blizzard to implement anything else after it. Tokens on their own are probably a lot more likely to be slipped into Classic at some point independent of RDF or any other actual game system. It’s a slippery slope fallacy is what it is. I certainly don’t want tokens or LFR in Wrath. I don’t even want paid level boosts. I just want RDF added to what’s already there.

You’ve no proof of this and mountains of evidence to the contrary. Should probably stop parroting that.

He doesn’t call EVERY pro-RDF person a troll. He only calls the ones that are trolling trolls. That’s not an insult. That’s calling out a behavior.

That’s a debate tactic? Are you new to this? Of course he’s going to think his opinion is correct. Why else would he be arguing it?

Being confident in your position is not an attack Silnaris.

Because that’s his interpretation and analysis. Again, we keep circling back to this idea that YOU have: “disagreement = attacks & insults”. That’s not the case Silnaris.

Yes, he is. And because it isn’t YOUR position, you’re crying that it’s an attack or insult. That’s not how this works.

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This is the craziest pile of bat guano I have seen in a long time.

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YOU might not want it but MOST of the people who are pro-RDF are in FULL support of LFR/WoW Tokens AND Gold Boosts which ALL stem from RDF culture of being AFK all day long queueing for dungeons with ZERO social interaction.

Just remember, the side you chose here represents Retail and NOT Classic. YOU are on the WRONG side of history.

Where was this mountains of evidence when RDF got removed? Where was this mountains of evidence when the LEAD DEV tweeted out supporting anti-RDF? Where was this mountains of evidence when the Dev who got interviewed said RDF is RISKY and is NOT coming back?

You have NO evidence, YOU are part of the minority.

Speaking of which, Bloodythorns has the right idea it looks like. I’ve always been willing to give you the benefit of doubt but really I’ve been disappointed at every turn…

Cite your source for that hot garbage.

All over the internet being flatly ignored by Birmingham and most of the dev team - where were you, huffing glue?

Ah, more of that “community” you speak of. Making sweeping assumptions about people without even getting to know them or confirm how they feel or think.

I see…

Why’d you get ratio’ed on the first reply then?

Bloodythorns is just disgruntled that I bested him in debate in every conversation we’ve had. If you want to join his ilk, that’s fine by me.

It really is great, if he posts anything worth laughing at, odds are someone will quote it in a reply. Saves me a lot of time and frustration. He really rarely does type anything worth reading.

Yes do what EVERY pro-RDF troll does when they get outsmarted and ignore us, this ONLY makes the anti-RDF side stronger as they see it as an admission of defeat. Go ahead and strengthen our hold on this Community.

This is someone from YOUR side, a MAJORITY of YOUR people want WoW Tokens and LFR.

I’d rather trust a Multi Billion Dollar company than some FALSE Polls and FAKE pro-RDF outrage.

Why’d you get ratio’ed by the Devs and have RDF removed then?

Oh that’s what you’re calling it now…points for positivity, I guess

I’ve been getting ratio’ed by Devs since Cataclysm launched, glad to see you’re modern Blizzard’s biggest fan! Doing the jobs the rest of the honest forum folk won’t! Hey, what’s your favorite part of Shadowlands?

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I just wish ignoring people wasn’t so frustrating. It’s almost as if Blizzard is trying to actively encourage toxici-…ohhhhhhhhh…

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