As a Community, we do not want RDF

its fine im jumpy because people certainly conflate the two here alot.

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Fair enough, people on here are a bit……thick.

The Dev said multiple times that the MAJORITY of people wanted RDF gone, I have also provided MANY stats on this thread alone.

You can go freely fact me, as I only speak the Truth.

Where did they say this?

The Lead Dev tweeted it out, look up Brian RDF Classic Twitter on google.

He said this:

I don’t think “I know it’s contentious, but there are enough people cheering that I think we’re making the right call” means “a majority of people want it gone”.

I’ve also watched the interview from Mr. GM today. They said it is a divisive topic, which is is, and they stated they can’t really win, whatever their choice is.

However, it appears they’re trying extremely hard to reinvent the wheel. In the interview, the Dev, Kris Zierhut spoke passionately about keeping the Classic community tightknit. Which is their core principle and has been since this project was inceptive.

My only concern with that is this…

I’m on Skyfury which is an PST server and I am not in that timezone, reason being there were no PVP fresh start servers for my timezone.

When I found myself playing today at 10:00 a.m. I was having difficulty finding a dungeon group, between three different dungeons. There weren’t enough players in my level range to get an SM group ready.

So, I’m out of luck?

Meanwhile in the same vein, if I wanted to do a battleground, I am not limited to whoever is online on my server at the time.

It just seems weird.

In one instance you’re telling me my realm community is so important that I cannot group up with other players for an SM group. However, I can totally group up with random players I’ll never see again for a battleground.

Seriously, how does that make sense?


He must be trolling

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I would not say you are out of luck but you need to form your own dungeon groups or try to incorporate questing. In your particular Skyfury situation, it was warned ahead of time that Fresh Servers were naturally going to fail and people will not stick around and we can see the effects of it now.

There should be a Free Transfer available if you choose to use it, but in reality this is more of a player problem than something Blizzard created as we all have had the choice to pick which server we wanted to play on full well knowing the populations and risks beforehand.

BGs and Dungeons are not the same thing hence different systems, one system shouldn’t apply to the other.

Same server BGs built rivalries. I remember folks complained about cross-realm BGs, but Blizzard added them anyway even though the “eroded” the server community.

How come Blizzard didn’t listen to folks who didn’t want Cross-Realm BGs and put them in, even though they eroded the social aspect of servers, but with Cross-Realm Dungeons (which were in the game) we’re being told “sorry, we need to preserve the social aspect of servers”.

At least be consistent lol…

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So people can queue and teleport into an instance to play with other players because its a PvP instance.

But when 5 players want to play with others and queue and teleport into PvE instance this “ruining the game” or “ruining social interactions”.

It’s literally the same thing except for one being a PvP instance and one being a PvE instance.

Basically you just want us to waste even more time leveling through classic content AGAIN, that we’ve already done a million times, via methods that simply take too much time.

I’m talking about looking in Group Finder tool, running through 6 zones to get the summon stone, summoning, then actually doing the instance, which takes at least 30-45 minutes to setup. Then having to run all the way back out, reset, and go again, that’s if nobody leaves and you have to repeat the setup process again. It just takes too much time, it has nothing to do with a social interaction. I’m mainly talking about Level 15-58 Classic Dungeons where this is an issue and its hard to form a group and have everyone farm multiple runs.

You are comparing Apples to Oranges, the PvP Community is a lot smaller than the PvE Community especially on Classic and they have that system as a way to help find matches with the small amount of people who do play PvP.

PvE however is a different beast, most servers aside from Fresh ones have a very active Community and it is VERY easy to find groups in and since more people play PvE it makes sense to keep their social interaction and communities server side and in tact.

You are playing an OLD version of an existing MMO, you NEED time to play this game and part of the social process is using LFG chat, teaming up with players and going out into the open world.

RDF directly kills this key social interaction that does NOT exist in Retail, this is what makes Classic unique.

No, no, no.

If I have to suffer struggling finding a SM group because of “server community” people who are looking for a WSG/AV match should have to as well.

Otherwise the PVP folks are missing out on that precious “social experience”.

It’s ridiculous how they can say without realizing how hypocritical it is to allow PVP players access to cross-realm tech and not PVE players.

Also, I was in an AV group and I talked with people. I met this warlock on a different realm and we spoke for a little while as we attacked the horde’s base.

Nothing wrong with meeting folks from other servers. If Blizzard didn’t want me to interact with other servers, I wouldn’t be allowed into cross-realm BGs.

Arena still requires in-server grouping, BGs are not meant for that purpose. This is what I mean, it is NOT the same thing.

The process of finding a group, meeting up, going to the open world to get to the dungeons makes the world feel alive and makes the game better as a whole socially.

RDF kills this.

On Skyfury, folks are requiring you have the brewfest summon to even get an invite. No one is meeting up. Either you have the easy way to do it or no invite.

Skyfury doesn’t matter, it’s a Fresh Server that’s destined to die out as soon as Wrath comes and people transfer back to their main servers. It’s no one’s fault but your own for picking a risky server to join.

I am on a Mega Server and people are very kind, nice and patient when it comes to grouping. I have had zero problems like the one you describe.

I think you’re talking from your own personal experience because it is not “VERY EASY” to find groups while leveling in classic content right now, and has not been since I resubbed.

I’m fine with spending time playing the game, but taking a flight path waiting 10 minutes and then running to a summoning stone with my slow 60% mount is not playing the game/ social interaction. 90% of the time most people don’t say anything but “Hey” or “Hi” and that’s it, until we get inside the dungeon and then people start talking.

Playing the dungeon and talking to people in there is when you actually play the game and socially interact. Group Finder and Saying LFM in chat isn’t socially interacting. It’s time wasting.

Also, clearly you’re not “speaking for the community” or you just think anyone that disagrees with you isn’t a part of the community. Clearly a lot of people do not agree with you. You’re simply lying by saying “We as a community do not want RDF”.

Maybe a lot of the people you play with and you included don’t want it but saying that the entire community does not want RDF is simply a lie that you just made up.

And I’m willing to bet that many players that DO want the RDF feature do not even post on the forums, and are just hoping it’s coming. You might say they are casuals or put some type of label on them, but they’re still a part of this community. You don’t need to be a hardcore, no lifer 20+ hour a day player to be a part of the community.

It might just seem like more players seem against it because they’re the ones actively making Anti RDF threads or commenting.

Maybe Blizzard should do a Poll asking if people want the RDF feature and send it to everyone actively playing Wrath Classic, and I mean everyone, not just a select few people. This would actually give an idea as to how many people are against/ for it.

That explains a lot about your personality.

This post is sponsored by blizz? Last time i checked it was flagged and somehow got unflagged now lmao

I made a poll about RDF to see real human opinion and not their agenda

Link to my post

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Hmmm, this explains the trolling of someone who thinks they want the original wrath experience before Dungeon Finder was added, but choses to play on a Mega Server, something which didn’t exist back in days of Wrath of the Lich King.

with no respect given, and all the disrespect given. you speak for yourself and i do not share your opinions thoughts. Just give us wrath with RDF.

But if there is a change to be made how about give us Pet users assist for their pets. so they focus your target.