As a Community, we do not want RDF

Almost EVERY pro-RDF player supports LFR, it’s only a matter of time.

How?? These changes will bring MORE players than it loses for them.

yea this might be the most wild reach i have ever read on the forums to this date lol


Don’t do drugs, troll boy.

You make stuff up. Period.

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I hope cata classic comes with LFR, just for you, boo.

Let’s circle back when you’ve quantified this with actual numbers shown from WotLK classic (which aren’t published) compared to the numbers we do have from the original, so good luck.

He is on YOUR side, you people will NEVER stop unless you make Classic into Retail.

Won’t catch me playing that trash again!


Developer confirms their goal is to GATE KEEP CONTENT from players:

“If we were to put the RDF tool at beginning of classic… it would allow you to do more dungeons , you can do them faster , you can do the same dungeon multiple times a day. People would gear much much faster, they would exhausted content much much faster, then get bored much much faster”.

A) Never heard of him, and B) He’s a dwarf so probably drunk

nah there’s just no line to draw between rdf and lfr and people supporting either. im sorry man

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Cope More.

There will be NO RDF.

WE are the MAJORITY, RDF is what RUINS Social Interactions. WE have the Dev’s support, YOU don’t.

This is just not true, i’m willing to bet in this thread alone the people that want RDF also want LFR/WoW Tokens/RMT Boosting. ALL of that stems from RDF.

yea for sure man, seems like u got allll the info. i trust u fo sho

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You are one step closer now to retail with Heroic+

Get Rekt


I would rather have Heroic+ if it means the pro-RDF trolls don’t get their way, NO RDF!

^ this is what happens if you smoke during pregnancy.

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so now we’re drawing a line between heroic + and rdf? as if these things can’t exist together?

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Retail lover


How can they? I don’t want to have random noobs in MY Heroic+ Groups, I want to PICK WHO plays and who doesn’t.

yea uh ur a wizard apparently LOL aye good luck out there in wotlk. i’ll be seeing u in my heroic + groups.

or probably not.

Wait a sec, I just thought of something. How do we know you’re all that good and not looking for carries yourself?



Yet ANOTHER victory for the SILENT MAJORITY!