As a Community, we do not want RDF

First, you have to be in a group running the data. One person has to be sending the parses. The majority of the time none of us gave a flying crap about our parses, or comparing our DPS to other raid groups. Let alone those clearing mythics when we’re grinding heroic.

On top of that, send me the names of the characters I’m raiding with. I’m sure you’re not looking at the ones I raid with, genius boy troll.

I like to fact check people. When someone says something is difficult in WoW, logs are a good way to fact check. In this instance, moving out of fire on the ground is hard for you, proven by logs. You also didn’t press any defensive cd while you were dying. Just an FYI, DK has a spell called Anti-Magic Shell. It’s a very good ability to use if you like to stand in fire often. You can thank me later for that tip.

Guess I should be proud of my red proto drake from back in the day. Did it all in 10 man gear a month into naxx. How long did it take to get yours? Or didn’t you ever get one?

It is against forum rules to witch hunt and name players.

And this is how I know you’re some casual gray parser, I pull 99s in all content and if RDF means I have to have you in my party against me will then they can keep that out of MY game along with you and the rest of the freeloaders who want a free boost.

This isn’t Retail, stop expecting everything to be handed to you.

Aw yes. I’m the troll. Not Rdf (a level 10 alt) posting about a controversial topic, Random Dungeon Finder. It’s like you need a map to the bathroom. Someone explain to them that Rdf is a known troll.

Witch hunt? I’m not hiding who I am? This is one name shared, but a DK raiding in current content is not something I do.

Keep hiding though, bro. Your level 10 trolling speaks volumes.

And If you knew any of my characters, you’ll see I clear content, and clearly when it’s current. You, however…

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If telling the Truth makes me a troll then so be it.

You asking me to name your raider buddies is a witch hunt according to forum rules, I will not be naming them but I see your parses and I never want to be caught in a group with you.

Only reason you’re crying for RDF is because you probably got denied to a thousand pugs off your parses alone.

Learn to improve instead of blaming everyone else.

On a soapbox in the middle of time square yelling at pedestrians with a newspaper diaper does not make you a truth sayer. I think Trump has a social network you’ll like.

LOL. Like I said, i’m out there in the open. You clearly are making it up and trolling. Thats OK though. We know who and what you are, and can’t expose the trash that you are.

I don’t need you to name a thing. And based off my parses, pugs INVITE me on raid ready characters. But you do you. Hide. And then troll. It’s all good.

The end result - classic will some way get a cross realm dungeon crawler. It inevitably has to, to keep it afloat. And maybe you’ll find something else to troll.

Despite your petty insults MY side won and YOUR side lost, get used to NO RDF.

Recent news shows we’re getting Heroic+ and they even doubled down on NO RDF, imagine still playing for the losing side.

I hope he has already reserved the name “LFR” for Cata Classic launch lol.


Too bad it isn’t classic wrath but some bastardized retail hybrid…

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I wouldn’t disagree with his woes of LFR. It was trash. Still is.

LEVEL 10 HEROIC HERO? Will you be a world first?!

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Let’s be honest here. The vast majority of people didn’t come play at the tail end of Wrath because of RDF. Numbers were down by the time of its implementation. They came to play Wrath because of Arthus and Deathknights being the first new class since the inception of WoW. If you really joined just for the last few months because RDF was announced, you missed out on a great expansion.

This version WILL be more successful than the Original.

People who want RDF also want LFR, it’s a slippery slope.


If this version of wrath gets 12 million users I’d have my toon kiss your toon’s hind end infront of Ogrimmar on St Crispins day. I’m not worried about having to live up to that.

I’ve yet to see one person say they want raid finder too with a dungeon tool. Not ONE.

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Way to rise above. Idc honestly. I don’t actually have a side in this war you’re fighting on the forums. I just like to point out how Blizzard took the most popular expansion objectively and decided to make pretty arbitrary changes, shooting themselves in the foot. A pristine no changes version of Wotlk might’ve enticed more to play classic, but they’re appealing to the minority of the community, from what the polls say. Enjoy your empty victory.

Now you’re just delusional.