Arthas is WoW's Anakin Skywalker

Arthas did nothing wrong and had the perfect vision for the world.

No one was enslaved. Even the Nelfs made the choice to stay with her.

Arthas enslaved entire swaths of Belfs, dead souls, Vrykul, Humans, ect etc etc.

Who did she torture?

Arthas enjoyed torturing lots of people to turn them to his side.

On the Horde’s authority. So is the Horde just as bad now too? They allowed her to wipe out Southshore. No one seemed to complain about that. She wiped out one town and used it to drive people from two other places.

Arthas didn’t need biological weapons to destroy many cities and town and zones without stopping.

Arthas’ war against the living spanned continents and more years than her single Fourth War.

One. Gilneas is livable. All she did was drive them out, not destroy it. Arthas destroyed not only multiple cities, but entire zones.

Arthas did it just to do it. Not for a “greater good.” And he never stopped until he was forcibly stopped by death.

Literally nowhere near the same level of villain. Hers made even worse by “I’m just giving someone else some power by doing this!” It was bad. She was never a good villain or on par with Arthas.

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. The Jailer literally stated Arthas and Bolvar were failuers to him, because he couldn’t control them. Arthas destroyed Ner’zhul and buried the Jailer. EVERYTHING he did was his own choice. Arthas never deserved redemption.

I’m muting this thread, because I hate arguing lore with people who don’t know the lore.

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WC3 Arthas was lit.

WoW Arthas / LK was totally botched. Mustache twirling, emasculated constantly, and finally turned into a crystal only to be destroyed and converted into 35 Anima.

What a disappointment.

We got Danoozed.

Walks in as the Arthas lover she is…

:neutral_face: :no_mouth:

Backs out slowly

Don’t worry anakin.
I have a planakin.

Arthas is already 10X better than Anakin because nothing Arthas did had anything to do with his raging hormones. He and Jaina called it quits before WC3 even started. Arthas didn’t kill Mal’ganis because he was having weird dreams of Jaina dying in childbirth.

I love how at first I had no idea whether this referred to Uther or Muradin.


Needed hand sanitizer just reading that


I think one book starts with Invincible being born. And Arthas just never shuts up about them lol

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I mean, isn’t CM a huge Star Wars fan? :woman_shrugging:t3:

Good one :joy:

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Even the bible was ripped off Ethiopian texts.

None of these stories are originals, just creations from people influenced by the people before them.

I guess I’ve never seen “The Black Cauldron” before… but I watched that clip and first thing that jumps into my head is: Did Don Bluth make this?? It looks JUST like Dragon’s Lair.

I looked on IMDB and didn’t see his name anywhere. But wow… that animation TOTALLY reminds me of Dragon’s Lair! lol

I’m sure that rotoscoped style is/was easily duplicated but, especially that scene, really reminded me of the game. :slight_smile:

Nada it was Disney. And this movie bombed HARD.

Only time I see them acknowledged it was with this

This dang movie almost bankrupt Disney. Which is a shame because you can tell the animators worked really hard on it

Folks knock rotoscoping down when it was surprisingly useful back then.

One of my fav animated movies used it quite a bit and for back then? It was still a lot of work.

This was made in the late 70s. All those digital effects? Loads of work. Heck they even had to think up “whats some future thing people can do” and they made a freaking video game scene lol. And these were dudes fresh outta college

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Well tbf that only happened in World of Wattpad Shadowlands

Good singing too. Debbie Harry, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed…

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Mhm. Its a shame what happened to it. But at least fans have kept the movie mostly intact.

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Simpson did it, Simpsons did it.

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I mean… I get it. If you’re an ANI_MAYYYYY_TOR, I’m sure you’re going to be a snob about how you sketch a pencil drawing, then make a line drawing, then paint it, etc etc etc etc…

… compared to the guy that just films a sequence and then simply paints over the images.

I can understand being a snob about that.

But as the consumer who just watches it, all I can say is “it looks cool!”

Couldn’t agree more, and Shadowlands destroyed Arthas’ ark, much the same way that the prequels destroyed Anakin’s.

This was known since WC3. If you just figured it out on your own while playing some old content then that’s cool too.