Arthas is WoW's Anakin Skywalker

Hehe okay I wouldn’t say I’m a snob if that’s what you’re saying. I just think animation stuff is neat.

I’m a tad sleepy so if I misunderstood that’s on me

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When did he have his limbs cut off and lit on fire?

Umm, it was 5 anima.

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Lol, no. Anakin Skywalker was a much worse character.

oh no, I meant the people in the business.

Like, I have a gf who is a graphic designer and in their world, they rise and fall on hating the font “Comic Sans.”

Similarly, I get it. If that’s what you do for a living, then everyone choosing something so basic and common is an affront to the creative process.

But to everyone else… IT’S JUST A DAMN FONT. lol I CANNOT STAND having to be in social situations with her and her friends whining on and on and on and on about their hatred for a FONT and how their disdain for a FONT makes them “better than everyone else.”

I’m like… can you people PLEASE get over yourselves. lol

So I get animators that dislike rotoscoping. But to the rest of us… it just looks cool.

Okay I was just making sure lol

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Um no it was the Culling of Strathholme when darkness truly took his heart

thats not a mistake, that was forced action he had to take to save more lives.

I love this phrasing. I especially love that my brain insists on having Richmond from The IT Crowd proclaiming it.

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Which character is the Rey of Warcraft?

pretty sure he’s not canon anymore.
but it wasn’t neither sylvanas or arthas.

That op orc in the comics thats no longer canon

New dev team is terrible and super greedy. They go out of their way to not show you any of the lore and then contract to put it into books. So they want you to buy a bunch of books and then you will get the lore. So they actually want you to BUY the storyline. Instead of getting it through quests and in game cinematics like we used to. Not even the most dedicated WoW content creators get the lore. This is an Activision thing too. Did the same exact thing to Halo. They excluded the lore and instead released it in 17 books when just one book could have done it. Or telling story in game could have.