Arthas is WoW's Anakin Skywalker

Arthas: You underestimate my power!


Meh. Arthas tried to be Vader starting off, then decided to he was equal to Dr. Victor Von Doom but couldn’t cut it, trying to step back down to Vader level, and slipped on a few steps.

In the end, Arthas is just the Horn King equipped with the same level of minions from the Black Cauldron.

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Now I’m just picturing Arthas dying the way the Horned King did. Disney was NOT gentle with that lol


There we go, much better! :slight_smile:

Welcome to Summer 2003.

You were The Frozen One!


Anakain watched his mother die, as tragic as that was he was suppose to move past those attachments: but he did hate sand after all it’s coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere!

Arthas watched his people die: by the towns and city’s with NO answer from any priest, paladin, friend, army, nothing they did or threw at the plague helped his people. He traded his soul for power to HELP the people of his kingdom. That power was the price of everything he loved and by doing what he thought would save them, killed them and made them into undead slaves.

and then he farted out as a anima as others mentioned.

Some people dont consider shadowlands to be canon because of the new devs rewriting the lore.

Oh My!!

Anakin: I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Arthas: I don’t like snow, Its cold and wet and irritating and it gets everywhere

Yeah the crappy walmart brand anakin.

Lol right? The biggest irony is she acts like she is on the moral higher ground as she poops on him. She did everything he did and something’s worse even.

i don’t even want to talk about arthas after shadowlands blizz just ruined arthas such an embarrassment.

Anakin was the Crappy Wal-Mart Anakin.

Arthas is the Dollar Tree Anakin.

SL Arthas is Anakin from Wish.

That is terrifyingly accurate


Uh, no.

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I think it’s a good moral lesson, that if you ever get tempted to be like Arthas you will end up as a fart cloud,

Why is everyone so uncomfortable about that?

Anakin Skywalker in contrast got away with everything at the last second.

No even Sylvanas got away with everything, well not exactly

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Uhhh, yes.

Enslave people to her Will? :white_check_mark:
Torture and murder innocents? :white_check_mark:
Create and/or employ biological weapons? :white_check_mark:
Start wars? :white_check_mark:
Destroy entire cities? :white_check_mark:
Claim it’s all for a greater good? :white_check_mark:

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Because in an expansion that is supposed to be about redemption, the single most prominent character in the entire Warcraft franchise is punished and denied redemption when, as the expansion reveals, they made only a single mistake in their life. They allowed revenge to cloud their judgement and ignore the advice of a friend.

That’s it. That is the only mistake Arthas made was to not listen to Muradin in the cavern of Frostmourne. Everything that happened after Arthas’ hand touched Frostmourne, by the expansion’s own lore and statements, was the will of the Jailer through the Lich King and controlling and influencing Arthas.

As an independent entity capable of influencing actions and making decisions Arthas ceased to exist at that moment, and refusing to allow him redemption for the actions that happened afterwards, but allowing Sylvanas and Uther to be redeemend, is hypocrisy to the highest degree. And terribly inconsistent writing on par with what Blizzard produces.

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By this logic, Wrathion is Shadow the Hedgehog.

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