Arthas Horde Reconnections

Corran! So happy to see CF here. I played Keld, the kid druid who raided with y’all. Do you know of anyone else coming back from CF?

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Eldith {Ret} - Resto Druid - Arthas Alliance

My old adversaries from TG/Aurora, I see you. I will be on Horde Stallag, yes… changing sides.

I remember helping to fill in with some TG or Aurora raids in Black Temple at some point for fun, it’s really been forever ago.

If you know me and want to keep in touch, btag- johnwayne#1844 or find me in game on Stallag as: “jw”.


I was in Innkeeper, Camelvendor, and Capital Punishment.
Also I was all over LFG with Tzeentch/Gilfeather, Lucky, Stimmer, Acslater, Reeve, Illfx, Leowind. If you remember me, it would be awesome to reconnect!

Cool i got it. I think regardless of server its gonna be a disaster for first week at least.

Nope, Its Limavai [UD Mage] or Tonica [Troll priest]. You may recall Flavaflav used to play My humps when ever I got on Ventrillo.

I used to play Torpin, a troll priest, in Knights of Shadows. Any other KoS members gonna be playing again

We are playing Stalagg horde add Tygrum#1909 and Ill send you discord link.

Mage - Phinex /Arthas

Played in classic and TBC .

If any of the TG or adelante guys are coming back add me up Sterling#11480

Lamballs Undead Warrior. Daenaris Undead Rogue.

Hey everyone! I was Valandile in the guild Blackwolf Raiders and a few others like Collision Force. Orc Rogue, level 60. I’m going to be playing on Atiesh Alliance in a guild called Blanket Fort. Look me up! My BTag is Koi#1922 - feel free to add me if you’re from Arthas!

Someone from RET!! Awesome. I fought you guys so much. I was in Blackwolf Raiders (name was Valandile, orc rogue). Is Rovell coming back?

Oh. Hello there. This is Valandile (Banner). I’m gonna be on Atiesh Alliance. How about you?

chris/cory going to incendius if any of you people end up on the not queue infested server

Matt/Lineshei/Bigtiz/Qust/Xyves Here if you remember any of my names please hit me up lets okay wow like in the good 'ol days

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Sharpshooter arthas rolling incendious

also Sharp of hillsbrad :slight_smile:

There are already queues for most of the servers. Going to wait and see what shakes out.

Thriller folks still planning on playing on Herod?

Someone should create a discord or something.

Also should have already posted it, but I am SpaceCowboy#1881 on blizz chat and space#7921 on discord.

Kilinyu. Undead shadow priest (although I did heal a bunch as disc too). PVP’d a bunch back in the day.

Think I originally rolled with Cancer.

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Elisok - Tauren Druid
Elisil - Orc Hunter
Elisar - Undead warlock
A bunch of other Elis-, all in Collision Force

Hi Corran!

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Hey Elisok! Keld here! Anyone else from CF around besides Corran that you know? Where are you rolling?