holy crap! I remember you!
I was Crixalis when we did molten core with Gimped/Covetous Crew runs.
holy crap! I remember you!
I was Crixalis when we did molten core with Gimped/Covetous Crew runs.
holy $%^& digby, we ran WSG/AB forever with Ez, Ekim and all the pyre/proven guys. I was playing as Azumi and Crixalix (rogues)
Hi Mass! Who was the mage you leveled up with originally? I remember you beat me by like a day lol
How are things?
Hey Necator! A bunch of us pyre/proven guys are back - come join us on Herod
Horde or Alliance?
Hey Keld - that’s a name I remember
I think a few old-timers from CF are going to give classic a try; Specialj, Raeolin, maybe some others. Possibly Herod Alliance if the queues subside soon, otherwise will have to pick something else. Poke me at Elisin#1996 if you’re around.
Sup BRO! We leveled together! I was in Cancer with you: Keld Druid. I later went to iLL aDVISED and Collision Force. Killinyouguy was your original name! I pvped with you, Kukei, Shekorai, Cancer, Crazyville, and some others. What server you rolling on?
we are on horde - herod
Zeeni - troll priest
Vanilla - TBW & Impossible to Gauge
TBC - Atreus & Adelante
Awesome to see so many recognizable names from OG Arthas in this thread. I’m rolling some characters on Blaumeux to start out, hope to see you all out there in the world or BGs. <3
Tribute - Undead Priest
Darkhand Society
Did a lot of pvp prior to raiding. Its nice to see a bunch of names I remember from way back.
Keld! How’s it going? I’m rolling on Skeram with some friends under Killinyu horde side. Good times indeed!
Mute/Kishkumen. First warlock to 60 on Arthas server. Going to have very little time to play but I’ll see what I can do.
Reunited is a WoW Classic Horde Guild established on US PVP Stalagg.
Many of us are founding members of the Adelante guild from Arthas.
If you used to play with us, knew some of us or if you are just interested joining a competitive guild, do not hesitate to contact me on bnet @ neotrix#1802
nitroxid - Adelante, Vanilla WoW GM
Rai - 60 Undead Mage
Hey man, weren’t you the guy filming a movie in tanaris? You had a white raptor right?
oh my god is that THE bannorko? Nadarius here level 60 undead mage, made my way into adelante in 70s to 80s
I’m Pyralis UD Priest from Collision Force / Team PvP
Is there an Arthas Horde guild on Herod?? RTZS back? Where you Herod guys playing?
Hey, we had some good times in the mines of AV around the end of vanilla. Stealthing over and over again, game after game. I’m sure you hear this all the time but I loved your videos. Also heard your recent podcast. What server you going?